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ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140A


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ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140A故障查找










元宇宙即构建一个独立且平行的虚拟世界, 他的意义和价值还在于与真实世界的交互连接,最终实现为真实世界赋能,提高人们的生活体验。而在工业领域, 元宇宙则与其关键技术 - “数字孪生”紧密联系在一起, 不局限于前辈“仿真与建模”, 数字孪生技术可让现实中的海量信息通过软件通道源源不断地涌入模型,构建现实的“镜像世界”。 一直以来,威图都是“数字孪生”技术的先驱者与倡导者,威图与Eplan 构建全价值链解决方案,实现从软件到硬件的无缝衔接。传统的流程中,为保证制造阶段的准确性,通常采用创建物理样机的方式进行仿真与测试。随着计算机技术的不断发展,虚拟样机(数字孪生)由于其高效性与低成本性,逐渐取代物理样机。然而创建数字孪生体(虚拟样机),用户需要经过验证的产品数据,现实情况却往往不容乐观。若用户独立设计,过程中将涉及不同的厂家、品牌的元器件,一般的电气设计软件系统庞杂,数据无关联性,对用户建模设计产生不小阻力。

Eplan Data Portal在线数据平台,与世界领先的元器件制造商建立了长久合作关系,包含全球300多家品牌,超100万条高质量元器件设计数据,让用户得以通过拖拉拽的方式,实现快速数据调用。与此同时,机械工程设计数据,则可以从威图产品社区平台处获取。威图与Eplan在设计阶段的数据融合,使得用户能在虚拟样机中创建机柜的全数字化描述,包括:产品信息、商业数据以及eClass信息等,高效赋能,实现降本增效。


然而,威图的全价值链解决方案,远不止于此。通常情况,从用户拿到电控柜的项目之初到交付阶段,会经历四个阶段, 即:工程设计-->原材料采购-->生产制造-->交付后的现场调试及运营管理。 威图与Eplan的全价值链解决方案,将完整覆盖电控柜项目的全生命周期,让每一个流程的数据传输不再是一座孤岛。

ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140AABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105DSDP140A工程设计阶段:从EPLAN P8, 到三维设计软件Pro Panel , 再到热仿真的Ritherm , 威图提供完整的一站式软件解决方案, 助力用户完成无数据割裂的工程设计。设计完成后可形成精准BOM清单, 与ERP系统进行数据的无缝传输。


采购环节: 威图提供专业的机箱机柜、空调风扇、配电组件等产品解决方案。生产制造阶段:威图提供半自动化/全自动化的设备与装置,例如:自动开孔设备、线缆加工中心,自动端子装配中心,机柜物料搬运设备及各种手动工具等。运营管理阶段: 为用户提供智能化机柜系统。智能机柜内部具有多种传感器,如温度、湿度、烟感等,用于采集大量的现场运营数据,并通过IoT模块直接传输至中央控制系统, 实现远程监控与提供运维保护服务。改革开放以来,我国经济迅猛发展,许多企业通过引进国外生产设备及DCS系统,来提高生产效率。但随着使用年份的增长,诸多国外DCS系统及设备已逐渐老化且不适用于当前的生产需求,对其进行国产化升级改造是众多企业亟需解决的问题。针对运行超10年的国外DCS系统在升级改造中存在的设计资料不完整、从源系统程序解读难、改造工期不可控等等痛点难题,和利时制定国外DCS系统自动升级解决方案,、有效地帮助用户以更、更短工期、,实现DCS系统国产化升级改造。近日,由中国化学工程集团公司所属五环化学工程公司设计的国内套采用壳牌粉煤气化技术生产煤化工原料气的生产装置①——湖北双环科技股份有限公司(以下简称:湖北双环科技)壳牌煤气化装置在升级改造后一次点火成功,就是和利时“国外DCS系统自动升级解决方案”助力国外DCS系统国产化改升级的典型案例,为后续所有行业国外DCS系统国产化改造提供了样板工程,树立了。截至目前,和利时系运行稳定、,受到了用户的高度认可。湖北双环科技特致和利时锦旗和感谢信,对和利时的产品技术表示充分肯定,并对项目团队严谨负责的工作态度、过硬的技术水平给予高度赞扬。作为和利时对壳牌煤气化装置DCS系统国产化改造的项目,湖北双环科技壳牌煤气化装置的成功投产,标志着和利时国外DCS系统自动升级解决方案已成功实践,为后续壳牌甚至所有装置国外DCS系统国产化改造提供了有力的依据和模板,增强了客户对国外DCS系统国产化改造的信心,目前已有多家需求企业表示希望到项目现场参观了解,开展后续合作。未来,和利时将继续秉承“用自动改进人们的工作、生活和环境”宗旨,承担高科技企业的社会责任,为提升用户企业生产效率、强化战略科技力量、增强产业链供应链能力,继续前行。碳标签是将已认证的产品碳足迹在产品包装上以标签形式展示,让产品的碳足迹透明化的重要方式。2021年下半年,中国纺织服装、日用消费品以及电器制造等多个行业的多项产品已陆续开始推进碳标签的工作。面对方兴未艾的市场,碳标签服务需要更多获国际化认可的专业机构参与。碳信托是总部位于英国伦敦的专业碳中和咨询机构,早在2007年就参与编定了全球第一个产品碳足迹标准PAS 2050,并同年推出了全球第一个碳标签体系。截至目前,碳信托提供的碳标签已运用在全球40多个国家的2.7万种产品中,使用碳信托碳标签的品牌企业包括雀巢、达能集团、LG电子、戴森、利乐包装、起亚汽车等。

目前,亚马逊电商平台也在利用碳信托提供的碳标签打造“climate pledge friendly(气候承诺友好型)”体系,以推动绿色消费。调研机构YouGov在2021年5月面向全球10个国家开展的消费者调查中显示,碳信托的碳标签被评为最受认可的碳标签。

碳信托中国区总裁赵立建表示,“通过第三方机构认证并获得碳标签,是企业响应国家“双碳”目标,展示自身碳减排努力并获得消费者信任的有效工具。此次与国内认证机构中标合信进行合作,相关认证既符合国内政策要求,也能帮助企业获得国际市场的认可,有利于国际国内标准的互联互通和国际合作”。作为中国最早开展节能低碳技术服务和评价的权威认证机构,中标合信总经理李铁男表示,“与具有国际公信力的碳信托合作,有利于双方更好地满足国内外客户对可持续相关的认证需求。随着国内对碳中和的重视不断增加,碳标签将帮助中国企业提升在国际上的竞争力,也将帮助国际品牌更好地深耕中国市场,并引领供应链的绿色升级”。碳信托长期专注于帮助企业客户对产品碳足迹进行测算、管理和减排,此次在中国市场推出的碳标签包括碳足迹、减碳、低碳和碳中和以及低碳包装、碳中和包装六种。这意味着,企业在开展碳测算、减排路径规划等一系列减排措施后,如果符合相关标准,就可获得由碳信托和中标合信颁发的认证及证书和对应碳信托碳标签。其中,碳足迹标签的获取,需要企业或产品的碳核算符合ISO14067或PAS 2050标准;减碳标签则需要企业在碳足迹标签的基础上,通过减排行动降低了产品碳排放,并得到中标合信与碳信托的认可;低碳标签对应的是,在碳足迹标签的基础上,企业能够证明产品比市场同类产品或可以替代的产品碳排放更低;碳中和标签显示的是,依照国内碳中和相关指南和PAS 2060等国际标准,企业在产品、机构、活动碳核算的基础上,经过减排后仍有剩余排放,这部分通过购买森林碳汇等碳抵销额度把剩余的碳排放进行抵销,从而实现碳中和。与碳信托在认证与碳标签领域合作多年的知名品牌依云(达能集团旗下),长期开展减碳行动,谈到减碳的话题,达能全球市场总监Aurelia RABIN表示:“气候变化愈发受到关注,依云也在进行着包括碳足迹测算、减排及碳抵消等一系列减碳的举措;我们与低碳领域专业机构碳信托进行合作,对减排行动进行了认证,并通过碳信托的碳标签,帮助我们向消费者更清晰地传递如何将低碳贯穿在产品的生产环节中,并助力提升我们在可持续发展方面的公信力以及品牌美誉度。而与碳信托长期合作的知名包装厂商利乐包装,也十分认可碳信托在低碳领域的价值。利乐包装全球环境总监 David Cockburn分享到:“我们的客户对可持续发展十分重视,并通过一系列的举措,努力减少对环境的影响。同时,通过与认证机构碳信托在认证与碳标签的合作,利乐包装可以更好地与客户一起积极践行着可持续发展的理念并付诸行动。”




公司经销产品应用于数控机械 冶金、石油天然气、石油化工、化工、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造、汽车制造、烟草、塑胶机械、电力、水利、水处理/环保、市政工程、锅炉供暖、能源、输配电等行业

ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140AEngineering design stage: from EPLAN P8, to 3D design software Pro panel, and then to thermal simulation ritherm, Rittal provides a complete one-stop software solution to help users complete engineering design without data fragmentation. After the design is completed, an accurate BOM list can be formed to seamlessly transmit data with the ERP system.


Purchasing link: Rittal provides professional solutions for chassis cabinets, air conditioning fans, power distribution components and other products. Production and manufacturing stage: Rittal provides semi-automatic / fully automatic equipment and devices, such as automatic tapping equipment, cable processing center, automatic terminal assembly center, cabinet material handling equipment and various manual tools. Operation management stage: provide users with intelligent cabinet system. Inside the intelligent cabinet, there are a variety of sensors, such as temperature, humidity, smoke, etc., which are used to collect a large number of on-site operation data and directly transmit it to the central control system through IOT module, so as to realize remote monitoring and provide operation and maintenance protection services. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly. Many enterprises have introduced foreign production equipment and DCS system to improve production efficiency. However, with the growth of service years, many foreign DCS systems and equipment have gradually aged and are not suitable for the current production needs. It is an urgent problem for many enterprises to upgrade and transform them domestically. In view of the pain points and problems existing in the upgrading and transformation of foreign DCS systems that have operated for more than 10 years, such as incomplete design data, difficult interpretation from the source system program, uncontrollable transformation duration and so on, Hollysys has developed automatic upgrading solutions for foreign DCS systems to effectively help users realize the localization, upgrading and transformation of DCS systems with a shorter and shorter work period. Recently, Hubei Shuanghuan Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hubei Shuanghuan Technology) Shell coal gasification unit, a domestic production unit designed by Wuhuan Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., affiliated to China National Chemical Engineering Corporation, which uses Shell pulverized coal gasification technology to produce coal chemical feed gas, was successfully ignited at one time after upgrading, It is a typical case that Hollysys "foreign DCS system automatic upgrade solution" helps the localization and upgrading of foreign DCS systems, which provides a model project for the localization and upgrading of foreign DCS systems in all subsequent industries and sets a good example. Up to now, Hollysys has operated stably and has been highly recognized by users. Hubei Shuanghuan science and technology specially sent Hollysys Jinqi and a letter of thanks, fully affirmed Hollysys' product technology, and highly praiseABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Ad the rigorous and responsible working attitude and excellent technical level of the project teaABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Am. As a project of Hollysys for the localization and transformation of DCS system of Shell coal gasification plant, the successful commissioning of Hubei Shuanghuan technology Shell coal gasification plant marks the successful implementation of ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140AHollysys' automatic upgrading solution for foreign DCS system, which provides a strong basis and template for ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Athe subsequent localization and transformation of DCS system of shell and even all units abroad, and enhances customers' confidence in the localization and transformation of foreign DCS system, At present, many demand enterprises have expressed their hope to visit the project site and carry out follow-up cooperation. In the future, Hollysys will continue to uphold the purpose of "automatically improving people's work, life and environment", undertake the social respoABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Ansibility of high-tech enterprises, and continue to move forward in order to improve the production efficiency of user enterprises, strengthen strategic scientific and technological forces, and enhance the supply chain capacity of the industrial chain. Carbon label is an important way to show the carbon footprint of certified products in the form of labels on product packages, so as to make the carbon footprint of products transparent. In the second half of 2021, China's textile and clothing, consumer goods, electrical appliances manufacturing and other industries have begun to promote the work of carbon labeling. Facing the emerging market, carbon labeling services need more internationally recognized professional institutions to participate. Carbon Trust is a professional carbon neutrality consulting organization headquartered in London, UK. It participated in the preparation of thABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Ae world's first product carbon footprint standard PAS 2050 as early as 2007, and launched the world's first carbon labeling system in the same year. Up to now, the carbon labels provided by Carbon Trust have been used in 27000 products in more than 40 countries around the ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Aworld. Brand enterprises using carbon trust carbon labels include Nestle, Danone Group, LG Electronics, Dyson, Tetra Pak, Kia automobile, etc.

At present, Amazon e-commerce platform is also using the carbon label provided by Carbon Trust to build a "climate pledge friendly" system to promote green consumption. According to the consumer survey conducted by YouGov, a research organization, in May 2021 for 10 countries around the world, the carbon label of Carbon Trust was rated as the most recognized carbon label.

Zhao Lijian, President of Carbon Trust China, said, "to pass the certification of a third-party organization and obtain a carbon label is an effective tool for enterprises to respond to the national" double carbon "goal, demonstrate their carbon emission reduction efforts and gain the trust of consumers. This time, we will cooperate with the domestic certification authority Hexin. The relevant certification not only meets the requirements of domestic policies, but also helps enterprises obtain the recognition of the international market, which is conducive to the interconnection and international cooperation of international and domestic standards. ". As the first authoritative certification body to carry out energy-saving and low-carbon technology services and evaluation in China, Li Tienan, general manager of win Hexin, said, "Cooperating with the carbon trust with international credibility will help both parties better meet the sustainable certification needs of domestic and foreign customers. With the increasing emphasis on carbon neutrality in China, carbon labels will help Chinese enterprises improve their competitiveness in the world, and will also help international brands better cultivate the Chinese market and lead the green upgrading of the supply chain". Carbon Trust has long focused on helping enterprise customers calculate, manage and reduce their carbon footprint. The carbon labels launched in the Chinese market this time include carbon footprint, carbon reduction, low carbon and carbon neutralization, as well as low carbon packaging and carbon neutralization packaging. This means that after carrying out a series of emission reduction measures such as carbon measurement and emission reduction path planning, enterprises can obtain the certification and certificate issued by Carbon Trust and bid winning Hexin and the corresponding carbon label of Carbon Trust if they meet the relevant standards. Among them, the acquisition of carbon footprint labels requires that the carbon accounting of enterprises or products comply with iso14067 or PAs 2050 standards; Carbon reduction labels require enterprises to reduce carbon emissions of products through emission reduction actions on the basis of carbon footpABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Arint labels, and obtain the recognition of the bid winning Hexin and Carbon Trust; Low carbon labels correspond to the fact that, on the basis of carbon footprint labels, enterprises can prove that their products have lower carbon emissions than similar products or replaceable produABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Aguidelines for carbon neutralization and international standards such as PAS 2060, enterprises still have residual emissions after emission reduction based on the carbon accounting of products, institutions and activities. This part offsets the remaining carbon emissions by purchasing carbon offset crABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Aedits such as forest carbon sinks, so as to achieve carbon neutralization. Evian (a subsidiary of Danone Group), a well-known brand that has cooperated with Carbon Trust for many years in the field of certification and carbon labeling, has long carried out carbon reduction actions and talABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Aked about the topic of carbon reduction, Aurelia Rabin, global marketing director of Danone, said: "Climate change is getting more and more attention, and Evian is also carrying out a series of carbon reduction measures, including carbon footprint measurement, emission reduction and carbon offset; we have cooperated with Carbon Trust, a professional institution in thABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Ae field of low carbon, to certify the emission reduction action, and through the carbon label of Carbon Trust, we can help us more clearly convey to consumers how to integrate low carbon into the production process of products, and help improve our public trust in sustainable development Strength and brand reputation. Tetra Pak, a well-known packaging manufacturer that has long cooperated with Carbon Trust, also highly recognizes the value of Carbon Trust in the low-carbon field. David Cockburn, global environmental director of Tetra Pak, shared: "our customers attach great importance to sustainable development and strive to reduce the impact on the environment through a series of measures. At the same time, through the cooperation with the certification agency Carbon Trust in certification and carbon labeling, Tetra Pak can better work with customers to actively practice the concept of sustainable development and put it into action."

ABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140A

In general, the carbon label shows the carbon footprint of the whole life cycle of the product "from cradle to grave". It is an important way to comprehensively and scientifically evaluate the carbon emission of produABB可控硅5SHY3545L0014、PPA322B HIEE300016R2 HIEE400235R1、KUC755AE105 3BHB005243R0105、DSDP140Acts, which is conducive to the government, enterprises and consumers to understand the carbon emission information of a product more intuitively.

Therefore, for the government, carbon labeling will provide a scientific reference for policy formulation and the introduction of relevant measures, so that the government can choose more low-carbon products when purchasing, and provide more precise preferential policies for low-carbon products. From the perspective of consumers' purchase, consumers can clearly understand the carbon emission information of products through carbon labels, and can have a basis when purchasing green products. The low-carbon purchase behavior will further force enterprises to take carbon reduction actions.

The global survey conducted by YouGov, the above-mentioned research agency, also found that 62% of Chinese consumers prefer to buy products with carbon labels, while 60% of consumers prefer to buy products with higher prices and carbon labels.

The products distributed by the company are used in CNC Machinery Metallurgy, oil and gas, petrochemical industry, chemical industry, paper printing, textile printing and dyeing, machinery, electronic manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, tobacco, plastic machinery, electric power, water conservancy, water treatment / environmental protection, municipal engineering, boiler heating, energy source, transmission and distribution and other industries


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