figure or symbol that shows how many times a quantity must be multiplied by itself
except/ Ik5sept; Ik`sZpt/ prep ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (that...) not including (sb/sth); but not 除了(某人[某事物 ] ) 之 外 ( 表
/ Ik5sept; Ik`sZpt/ prep ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (that...) not including (sb/sth); but not 除了(某人[某事物 ] ) 之 外 ( 表 示 所 说 的 不 包 括 在 内 ) : The restaurant is open every day except Monday. 这家饭店除星期一外, 每天都营业. *| Everyone except me got an invitation. 除了我以外, 所有人都收到了请柬. *| I understand everything except why she killed him. 我一切都明白, 只是不理解她为什麽把他杀死了. *| I can answer all the questions except for the last. 所有的题我都会答, 只是最後一题不会. *| The meal was excellent except for (ie with the exception of) the first course. 这顿饭好极了, 只是第一道菜稍差. *| She remembered nothing (about him) except that his hair was black. 她(对他)什麽都不记得, 只记得他的头发是黑的. *| The two books are the same except (for the fact) that this one has an answer key at the back. 除了这本书後面有问题答案以外, 这两本书完全一样.
/ Ik5sept; Ik`sZpt/ v 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态:
Tn,] ~ sb/sth (from sth) (fml 文) (often with a negative 常与否定词连用) leave sb/sth out; exclude sb/sth 将某人[某事物]除外; 不包括某人[某事物]: Only children under five are excepted from this survey. 这次调查仅仅不包括五岁以下的儿童. *| We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted. 我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外. *| the whole staff, not excepting the headmaster 全体教职员 工 , 也 包 括 校 长 . 2 (idm 习 语 ) present company excepted => present1.
/ Ik5sepFn; Ik`sZpFEn/ n 1 [C, U] (an instance of) leaving out or excluding; person or thing that is not included 除外; 例外; 不包括在内的人或物: Most of the buildings in this town are rather
unattractive, but this church is an exception. 这座城镇中大多数建筑物都不太好看, 但这座教堂是个例外. *| The children did well, the only exception being Jo, who failed. 这些孩子考得都很好, 唯独乔不及格. *| All students without exception must take the English examination. 所有的学生毫无例外, 都必须参加英语考试. *| I enjoyed all his novels with the exception of his last. 他的小说我都爱看, 只是最後一部除外. 2 [C] thing that does not follow a rule 不合规则的事物: an exception to a rule of grammar 语法规则的一项例外. 3 (idm 习语) the exception proves the `rule (saying 谚) the excepting of some cases proves that the rule exists, or that it applies to all other cases 有例外则证明有规律: All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule. 他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律 嘛 . make an exception (of sb/sth) treat sb/sth as a special case 将某人[某事物]作为例外: You must all be here at 8 am; I can make no exceptions, ie I cannot excuse any of you. 你们都必须早晨八点钟到这里, 任何人都不能例外. take exception to sth object to sth; be offended by sth 反对某事物; 因某事物而生气: He took great exception to what I said. 他很反对我说的话. *| She took exception to having to wait outside in the rain. 她得在雨中等候, 对此十分气愤.
/ -FEnEbl; -FEnEbl/ adj (fml 文) that sb can object to 可 反 对 的 : There are no exceptionable scenes in the play. 这出剧中没有能引起争议的情节.
/ Ik5sepFEnl; Ik5sZpFEnl/ adj very unusual; outstanding 异常的; 罕见的; 特殊的; 杰出的; 突出的: This weather is exceptional for June. 这种天气在六月份很罕见. *| show exceptional musical ability 表现出非凡的音乐才能.
/ -FEnElI; -FEnlI/ adv unusually; outstandingly 异常地; 罕见地; 特殊地; 杰出地; 突出地: an exceptionally beautiful child 特别漂亮的小孩.
/ 5eks:pt; `Zks[pt/ n [C] ~ (from sth) passage, extract, from a book, film, piece of music, etc 书、 电影、 乐曲等的节录: excerpts from a novel 一部小说的摘录 *| I've seen a short excerpt from the film on television. 我在电视上看过这部 958影片的片段.
/ Ik5ses; Ik`sZs/ n 1 [sing] an ~ of sth (derog 贬) more than the reasonable, expected or moderate degree or amount of sth 过度; 过分; 过量; 过多: an excess of enthusiasm, anger, emotion, zeal, etc 过分的热情、 愤怒、 情感、 热心等 *| An excess of fat in one's diet can lead to heart disease. 饮食中脂肪过量能导致心脏病. 2 [U] going beyond the normal or accepted limits; immoderation 过 火 ; 过 头 ; 无 节 制 :
Don't carry your anger to excess. 不要肝火过盛. *| Luggage in excess of 100 kg will be charged extra. 超过 100 公斤的行李要额外收费. 3 [C] amount by which sth is larger than sth else 超额的量; 过多的数: She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill. 向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额多出 4 英镑. 4 [U] (esp Brit) agreed sum taken by an insurance company from the total amount to be paid to an insured person who makes a claim 免赔额(保险公司从投保人要求索赔的总款额中扣除的规定数额): You will have to pay the first £50 of the cost of repairing your damaged car as there is an excess of £50 on your policy. 你的保险单列有 50 英镑免赔额, 所以你的汽车损坏修理费的首 50 英镑要由你付. 5 excesses [pl] (fml 文) personal acts which go beyond the limits of good behaviour, or humanity 越轨的行为; 无人性的行为: The excesses (ie acts of cruelty) committed by the occupying troops will never be forgotten. 占领军犯下的灭绝人性的暴行, 人们是永远也不会忘记的. *| His excesses at parties are well known. 尽人皆知他在聚会上十分放肆. 6 (idm 习语) to ex`cess to an extreme degree 过度; 过分; 无度: He drinks to excess. 他嗜酒无度.
/ Ik5sesIv; Ik`sZsIv/ adj greater than what is normal or necessary; extreme 过分的; 过度的; 极度的: excessive prices 过高的价格 *| an excessive amount of alcohol 过量的酒精 *| an excessive enthusiasm for sport 对运动的狂热 excessively
/ 5ekses; `ZksZs/ adj [attrib 作 定 语 ] extra or additional (to the usual or permitted amount) 额外的; 附加的: excess fare, eg for travelling further than is allowed by one's ticket 补票费
*| A company which makes high profits must pay excess profits duty to the government. 赢利高的公司须向政府交纳额外利得税.
excess baggage (also excess luggage) amount of luggage that is over the weight that may be carried free on an aircraft 超重的行李.
excess postage
amount charged to a person who receives a letter, etc which does not carry stamps of high enough value 欠资邮费.
/ Iks5tFeIndV; Iks`tFendV/ n 1 [C, U] (action or process of) giving one thing or person in return for another 交换; 互换; 交流; 交易; 调换; 更换:
Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange? 用五个苹果换五个鸡蛋公平吗? *| The exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual. 战时很少交换俘虏. *| the exchange of contracts, ie the final stage of buying or selling a house 互换契约(买卖房屋的最後步骤) *| an exchange of glances 互使眼色 *| an exchange of houses 调换房屋 *| an exchange of gun-fire 交火 *| He's giving her French lessons in exchange for (ie as an exchange for) her teaching him English. 他教她法语, 她教他英语, 互教互学(作为交换条件). 2 [C] (angry) conversation or argument (愤怒的)谈话或争论: bitter exchanges between MP's in parliament 下议院议员在议会上的激烈争论. 3 [U] relation in value between kinds of money used in different countries 兑换; 兑换率: What is the rate of exchange between the dollar and the pound? 美元和英镑之间的兑换率是多少? *| [attrib 作定语] I want to change my dollars into pesetas what is the exchange rate? 我 想 把 美 元 换 成 比 塞 塔 -- 兑 换 率 是 多 少 ? 4 Exchange [C] place where business people or financiers meet for business 交易所: the `Corn Exchange 谷物交易所 *| the `Stock Exchange, ie for the buying and selling of stocks, shares, etc 证 券 交 易 所 . 5 = telephone exchange (telephone). 6 reciprocal visit between two (often young) people or groups from different countries (不同国家的团体或人, 常为青年之间的)互访, 交流: be on, do, organize an exchange 在、 进行、 组织互访 *| Sarah is going on an exchange to Paris to stay with Pierre, and he is coming to stay with her here in Scotland next year. 萨拉将到巴黎作互访住在皮埃尔处, 而皮埃尔明年来苏格兰就住在她那里. *| [attrib 作定语] exchange students 互派的留学生 *| exchange visits 两国间的互访 *| She is an exchange 959teacher. 她是出国的交流教师.
/ Iks5tFeIndV; Iks`tFendV/ v 1 (a) [Tn,] ~ A for B; ~ sth (with sb) give or receive sth/sb (of the same kind or value) in place of another 交换; 互 换 ; 调 换 ; 更 换 : He exchanged the blue jumper for a red one. 他把蓝毛衣换成了红的. *|Ali exchanged seats with Ben. 阿里与本调换了座 位 . *| The enemy countries exchanged prisoners. 敌 国 间 交 换 了 俘 虏 . *| They exchanged hostages with each other. 他们相互交换了人质. (b) [Tn] give sth and receive sth (from another person) in return 交换; 交易: exchanging blows, ie hitting each other 互相殴打 *| They exchanged glances, ie looked at each other. 他们互相对视. *| The two men exchanged greetings, ie Each greeted the other. 那两个男人互相问候. 2 (idm 习语) exchange (angry, etc) `words quarrel; argue 争吵; 争论: They exchanged angry words before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree.
他们在会议前争吵起来, 经劝说最後言归於好.
/ -Ebl; -Ebl/ adj that can be exchanged 可交换的; 可更换的; 可兑换的: Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable. 本店货物售出概不退换.
/ Iks5tFekE(r); Iks`tFZkL/ n 1 the Exchequer [sing] (Brit) government department in charge of public money 财政部: The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain. 英国财政大臣是负责财政的大臣. 2 [C] (a) public or national supply of money; treasury 公共财源; 国库. (b) (often joc 常作戏谑语) person's supply of money 个人的钱财: There's nothing left in the exchequer this month. 本月份本人国库空虚.
/ 5eksaIz; Zk`saIz/ n [U] government tax on certain goods manufactured, sold or used within a country 国内货物税; 消费税: the excise on beer/spirits/tobacco 啤酒[烈性酒/烟草]消费税*| customs and excise 关税与国内货物税 *|[attrib 作定语] an excise officer, ie an official employed in collecting excise 国内货物税务官. Cf 参看 customs1.
/ Ik5saIz; Ik`saIz/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) (fml 文) remove by, or as if by, cutting (esp a part of the body or a passage from a book) 切除(尤指身体的一部分); 删除(书中的一段): The
surgeon excised the lump from her breast. 外科医生切除了她 乳房的肿块. *| The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段.
/ Ik5sIVn; Ik`sIVEn/ n (fml 文) 1 [U] action of excising 切除; 删除: the excision of a tumour 肿瘤的切除. 2 [C] thing that is excised 被切除或删除之物: The excisions have destroyed the literary value of the text. 删除了这些就损害了原文的文学价值.
/ Ik5saItEbl; Ik`saItEbl/ adj (of a person, animal or temperament) easily excited (指人、 动物或气质)易兴奋的, 易激动的: an excitable child 易兴奋的孩子 *| an excitable breed of dog 一种易受刺激的狗 *| an excitable race of people 容易冲动的民族.
/ Ik9saItE5bIlEtI; Ik9saItE`bIlEtI/ n [U] quality of being excitable 易兴奋性; 易激动性.
/ Ik5saIt; Ik`saIt/ v 1 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态,] cause strong feelings of eagerness, happiness, nervousness, etc in (a person or an animal) 使(人或动物)兴奋, 激动: The children were very excited by the pantomime. 孩子们看了童话剧非常兴奋. *| Don't excite yourself, ie Keep calm. 不要激动. 2 [Tn,, Cn.t] ~ sb (to sth) (fml 文) cause or bring about (sth) by arousing strong feelings in sb 刺激; 激起; 煽动; 鼓动: excite a riot 煽动暴乱 *| Agitators were exciting the people to rebel/to rebellion against their rulers. 煽动者鼓动人民造反以反抗统治者. 3 [Tn,] (a) ~ sth (in sb)arouse (an emotion) in sb; cause (a response or reaction) in sb 激发某人的(情感); 引起某人的(回应或反应): excite public suspicion 引起大众怀疑 *|The recent discoveries have excited great interest among doctors. 最近的多项发现引起医生们的极大兴趣. *| excite envy, admiration, greed, etc (in sb) 引起(某人)羡慕、 爱慕、 贪念等. (b) arouse (sexual desire) 激发(性欲): Some people are sexually excited by pornographic magazines. 有的人看到色情杂志能激发起性欲. 4 [Tn] (fml 文) cause (part of the body) to be active 刺激(身体某部分): drugs that excite the nervous system 刺激神经系统的药物.
/ Ik5saItId; Ik`saItId/ adj feeling or showing 960excitement 兴奋的; 激动的: sexually excited 性
兴奋 *| The excited children forgot to take the
presents to the party. 孩子们兴奋得忘了把礼物
带到聚会上了. *| It's nothing to get excited
about. 这没什麽可值得激动的.
adj causing great interest or enthusiasm 使人
激动的; 令人兴奋的: an exciting piece of work
令人兴奋的工作 *| an exciting story 使人激动的
故事 *| an exciting discovery 振奋人心的发现.
/ Ik5saItmEnt; Ik`saItmEnt/ n 1 [U] state of strong
emotion or feeling, esp one caused by sth
pleasant 刺激; 激动; 兴奋: The news caused
great excitement. 这 消 息 令 人 极 为 兴 奋 . *|
jumping about in excitement at the discovery
因这一发现而兴奋得手舞足蹈. 2 [C] (fml 文)
thing that excites; exciting incident, etc 令人兴
奋 的 事 物 ; 使 人 激 动 的 事 : the excitements
associated with a cruise around the world 关
/ Ik5skleIm; Ik`sklem/ v [I, Ipr, Tf] cry out suddenly
and loudly from pain, anger, surprise, etc (因
疼痛、 愤怒、 惊奇等)惊叫, 呼喊: `What,' he
exclaimed, `Are you leaving without me?' `怎
麽著,'他喊道, `你要把我丢下自己走吗?' *| He
could not help exclaiming at how much his
son had grown. 他的儿子已长那麽高了, 他不禁
惊叫起来. *| He exclaimed that it was untrue.
/ 9eksklE5meIFn; 9ZksklE`meFEn/ n (short) sound(s)
or word(s), expressing sudden surprise, pain, etc 呼喊; 惊叫; 叹词; 感叹语: `Oh!', `Look out!'
and `Ow!' are exclamations. `啊!'、 `小
心!'、 `哎哟!'都是感叹词语.
exclamation mark (US exclamation point)
mark (!) written after an exclamation 叹号; 感
叹号; 惊叹号(!). =>App 3 见附录 3.
/ Ik5sklAmEtrI; ?@ -tR:rI; Ik`sklAmE9tRrI/ adj (fml 文)
of, using or containing an exclamation 呼喊的;
感叹的: an exclamatory sentence 感叹句.
/ Ik5sklu:d; Ik`sklud/ v 1 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (from
sth) (a) prevent sb from entering somewhere,
taking part in sth, etc; keep sb out 防止某人进入某处; 阻止某人参加某事等; 把某人排除在外: exclude a person from membership of a society 拒绝接纳某人入会 *| Women are often excluded from positions of authority. 女子要想得到有权的职位往往遭到排斥. (b) prevent sth from getting in; keep sth out 防止某物进入; 将某物排斥在外: All air must be excluded (from the bottle) if the experiment is to work. 若要做好这一试验, 不得让空气进(到瓶子里)去. *| All draughts must be excluded from the room. 这间屋子不可有风透进. 2 [Tn] reject (sth) as a possibility; ignore as a consideration 排除(某事 ) 的 可 能 性 ; 不 予 考 虑 : The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder. 警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动机. *| We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away. 我们不可排除这孩子离家出走的可能性.
3 [Tn] leave (sth) out; not include 将(某物)排除 ; 不 包 括 : lunch costs 5 per person, excluding drinks 午餐费每人 5 英镑, 不包括饮料. *| That price excludes accommodation. 那价钱不包括住宿.
/ Ik5sklu:Vn; Ik`skluVEn/ n 1 [U] ~ (of sb/sth) (from sth) action of excluding; being excluded 排斥; 排除在外: the exclusion of women from the temple 妇女之被排斥於寺院之外. 2 (idm 习语) to the exclusion of sb/sth so as to exclude (all other members of a group) 排除(其他的一切): He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests. 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好.
/ Ik5sklu:sIv; Ik`sklusIv/ adj 1 (a) (of a group, society, etc) not readily admitting new members (esp if they are thought to be socially inferior); select (指群体、 会社等)不愿接收新成员的(尤指对社会地位低下者); 精选的: He is part of an exclusive social circle and belongs to an exclusive club. 他所处的社交圈子很排外, 而 且 参 加 的 又 是 个 很 排 外 的 社 团 . (b) (of a high-class shop, goods sold in it, etc) not found elsewhere; reserved for the wealthy (指高级商店、 货物等)罕见的, 高级的, 高档的: exclusive styles, designs, articles 高级的式样、设计、 物品 *| an exclusive restaurant, private school 为富人开设的饭店、 私立学校. 2 reserved for or limited to the person(s) or group concerned 独有的; 独占的: exclusive privileges 961of the aristocracy 贵 族 独 有 的 特 权 *| an
exclusive agency for the sale of Ford cars in
this town 这城镇的福特汽车包销商 *| The
interview is exclusive to this magazine. 本杂志
得到独家访问权. 3 excluding all but the thing
specified 唯一的: Painting has not been her
exclusive occupation. 绘画并非她唯一的职业. 4
not admitting sth else; rejecting other
considerations 排 他 的 : The two plans are
mutually exclusive, ie If you accept one you
must reject the other. 这两个方案是相互抵触的.
5 ~ of sb/sth not including sb/sth; not
counting sb/sth 不包括某人[某事物]; 不把某人
[某事物]算在内: The ship has a crew of 57
exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外, 有 57
名普通船员. *| The price of the holiday is
exclusive of accommodation. 度假费用未包括住
n [C] (also exclusive story) newspaper or
magazine story given to and published by only
one newspaper (报纸或杂志的)独家报道, 独家
专文: a Daily Mirror exclusive 每日镜报独家报
道. exclusively adv: This special offer has been
exclusively designed for readers of this
magazine. 这一特价优惠是专为本杂志读者提供
exclusiveness (also exclusivity)
/ 9eksklu:5sIvEtI;9Zksklu`sIvEtI/ n [U] quality of
being exclusive 独特性: The shop was proud of
its exclusiveness. 这商店因别具一格而沾沾自喜.
/ 9ekskE5mju:nIkeIt; 9ZkskE`mjunE-9ket/ v [Tn]
exclude (sb) as a punishment from the rights
and privileges of membership of the Christian
Church 将(某人)逐出基督教教会(剥夺教籍的
/ 9ekskE9mju:nI5keIFn; 9ZkskE-9mjunE`keFEn/ n 1 [U]
action of excommunicating or being
excommunicated 逐出教会. 2 [C] example of
this; official statement announcing this 逐出
教会; 逐出教会的公告.
/ 5ekskrImEnt; `ZkskrImEnt/ n [U] (fml 文) solid
waste matter passed from the body through
the bowels; faeces 粪便: The pavement was
covered in dogs' excrement. 便道上满是狗屎.
/ Ik5skresns; Ik`skrZsns/ n (fml 文) abnormal (ugly
and useless) growth on an animal body or a
plant 赘生物; 瘤; 赘疣: (fig 比喻) The new office block is an excrescence on the landscape. 这座新办公楼在这片风景中很碍眼.
/ Ik5skri:tE; Ik`skritE/ n [U] (fml 文) liquid and solid waste (excrement, urine, sweat) passed from the body 排泄物(粪、 尿、 汗): the smell of excreta in the hospital ward 医院病房里排泄物的气味.
/ Ik5skri:t; Ik`skrit/ v [Tn] (fml 文) (of an animal or a plant) pass out (waste matter, sweat, etc) from the system (指动物或植物)排泄或分泌(废物、 汗等).
/ Ik5skri:Fn; Ik`skriFEn/ n (a) [U] action of excreting 排泄; 分泌. (b) [C, U] that which is excreted 排泄物; 分泌物.
/ Ik5skru:FIeItIN; Ik`skruFI9etIN/ adj (of physical or mental pain) intense; acute (指肉体或精神痛苦 ) 极 度 的 , 剧 烈 的 : He has excruciating backache. 他的背疼得很厉害. *| excruciating misery 极 大 的 苦 难 *| (joc 谑 ) He's an excruciating bore. 他是个非常讨厌的人. *| an excruciating concert 十分糟糕的音乐会.
adv: an excruciatingly painful experience 令人极为痛苦的经历.
/ 5ekskQlpeIt; `ZkskQl9pet/ v [Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) (fml 文) free sb from blame; say that sb is not guilty 为某人开脱; 说某人无罪: exculpate a person from a charge 开脱对某人的指责 *|exculpate oneself from blame 为自己辩解.
/ Ik5sk:Fn; ?@ Vn; Ik`sk[VEn/ n (a) short journey, esp one made by a group of people together for pleasure 短程旅行; 远足: go on/make a day excursion to the mountains, ie there and back in one day 到 山 上 游 玩 一 天 *| Many excursions had been arranged by the holiday company. 短程旅游原先多由度假服务公司安排的.
*| [attrib 作定语] an excursion train 游览火车*| an excursion ticket, ie one issued at a reduced fare 旅游特惠票. (b) short journey made for a particular purpose 短途行程: a shopping excursion 购 物 之 行 . =>Usage at journey 用法见 journey.
/ Ik5skju:s; Ik`skjus/ n ~ (for sth/doing sth) (true 962or invented) reason given to explain or defend
one's behaviour; apology 理由; 解释; 辩护; 辩
解; 藉口; 道歉: He's always making excuses for
being late. 他迟到总是有藉口. *| There's no
excuse for such behaviour. 这种行为不可原谅.
*| He made his excuses (ie He apologized) and
left the meeting. 他表示歉意後就离开了会场. *|
Please offer/give them my excuses. 请代我向他
们致歉. *| I can't attend the meeting would you
make my excuses (ie apologize and give my
reasons for not attending), please? 我不能参加
会议--你能替我道歉并解释一下吗? *| (fml 文)
Those who are absent without (good) excuse
(ie without giving a (good) excuse) will be
dismissed. 无故缺席者一律开除.
/ Ik5skju:z; Ik`skjuz/ v 1 (a) [Tn,, Tsg] ~
sb/sth (for sth/doing sth) forgive or overlook
(a fault, etc); pardon sb/sth 宽恕或饶恕(过失
等); 原谅某人[某事物]: Please excuse my late
arrival. 请原谅我来晚了. *| Excuse me for
being late. 原 谅 我 迟 到 了 . *| Excuse my
interrupting you. 对不起, 打扰你一下. (b) [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (for sth/doing sth) give
reasons showing, or intended to show, that (a
person or his actions) cannot be blamed 为(某
人或某行为)辩解或辩白: Nothing can excuse
such rudeness. 如此无礼决不可宽恕. *| She
stood up, excused herself (ie apologized for
leaving) and walked out of the meeting. 她站起
身来为中途离开道了歉, 然後走出会场. *| He
excused himself for being late by saying that
his car had broken down. 他为迟到作辩解, 说
他的汽车坏了. 2 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态:
Tn,, Dn.n] ~ sb (from sth) set sb free
from a duty, requirement, punishment, etc 免
除某人的责任、 对其要求、 惩罚等: He was
excused (from) piano practice. 他获准不必练习
钢琴. *| They may be excused (from doing) this
exercise. 他们可以免做这一练习. 3 (idm 习语)
excuse me (a) (used as an apology when one
interrupts, disagrees, disapproves or has to
behave impolitely 用作打扰别人、 表示不赞成、不同意或失礼时的道歉用语): Excuse me, is
anybody sitting here? 请问, 这儿有人坐吗? *|
Excuse me, but I don't think that's quite true.
很抱歉, 我认为这与事实略有出入. (b) excuse me?
(esp US) Please repeat what you said. 请再说一
遍. excuse/pardon my French => French. may
I be excused? (euph 婉 Brit) (used esp by
schoolchildren) may I go to the toilet? (尤作小学生用语)我可以上厕所吗?
/ Ik5skju:zEbl; Ik`skjuzEbl/ adj that may be excused 可原谅的: an excusable mistake 可原谅的错误.
/ -EblI; -EblI/ adv.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 We say Excuse me to someone if we want to get his or her attention or before we do something that might disturb him or her, eg interrupt him/her, push him/her in a crowd, disagree with him/her 我们说 Excuse me, 是为了引起他人注意或因为可能打扰他人, 如打断别人谈话、 在人群中推挤别人、 不同意别人的意见: Excuse me, can I get past, please? 劳驾, 能让我过去吗? 2 We say Sorry or (formally) I beg your pardon when we need to apologize for something 我们说 Sorry 或(郑重其事时说)I beg your pardon, 是因为需要为某事道歉: Sorry, did I tread on your toe? 对不起, 我踩著你的脚了吧? *| I beg your pardon. I think you were next in the queue. 对不起, 你原来是排在下一个的. In US English Pardon me and Excuse me are used for apologies. 在美式英语中, Pardon me 和 Excuse me 都用以表示道歉. 3 We say Pardon? when we did not hear what someone said and want them to repeat it. 若未听见某人刚说的话而请其重复时, 说 Pardon?. *|In this case Sorry? is also used in British English and Excuse me? or Pardon me? in US English. 在这种情况下, 用英式英语还可说 Sorry?, 而用美式英语则要说Excuse me?或 Pardon me?.
/ 5eksIkrEbl; `ZksIkrEbl/ adj (fml 文) very bad; terrible 极坏 的 ; 糟透 的 ; 恶 劣的 : execrable manners,weather 极度的无礼、 恶劣的天气.
/ -blI; -blI/ adv.
/ 5eksIkreIt; `ZksI9kret/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态 : Tn] (fml 文 ) express or feel hatred of (sb/sth); curse 憎恨, 厌恶(某人[某事物]); 咒骂; 诅咒.
/ 9eksI5kreIFn; 9ZksI`kreFEn/ n [U, C].
/ 5eksIkju:t; `ZksI9kjut/ v [Tn] 1 (fml 文) carry out, perform (what one is asked or told to do) 执行; 实行; 履行; 完成: execute sb's commands 执行 963某人的命令 *| execute a plan, a piece of work, a purpose 实行一计划、 完成一工作、 达到一目
的. 2 (law 律) (a) put (sth) into effect 使(某事)生效; 实施: execute a will 依照遗嘱行事. (b) make (sth) legally valid 使(某事)有法律效力: execute a legal document, ie by having it signed, witnessed, sealed and delivered 使一法律文件生效(经签署、 签名见证、 封印、 交付者). 3 kill (sb) as a legal punishment 将(某人)处死: He was executed for treason. 他因叛国罪已处死. *| execute a murderer 处决一谋杀犯. 4 (fml 文 ) perform (sth) on the stage, at a concert, etc (在舞台上或音乐会中)演奏; 表演: execute a dance step 表演舞步 *| The piano sonata was badly executed. 这首钢琴奏鸣曲演奏得很糟. 5 (computing 计) carry out (the instructions of a computer program) 执行(计算机程序的指令).
/ 9eksI5kju:Fn; 9ZksI`kjuFEn/ n 1 [U] carrying out or performance of a piece of work, plan, design, duty, etc 执行; 实行; 履行; 完成: His original idea was good, but his execution of the scheme was disastrous. 他的设想很好, 但实行起来却糟糕透顶. *| The plans were finally put into execution. 这些计划终於得以实施. 2 [U] (law 律) action of carrying out the orders of a will 对 遗 嘱 条 款 的 执 行 : The solicitor is proceeding with the execution of my mother's will. 律师正著手执行我母亲的遗嘱. 3 [C, U] (act of) killing sb as a legal punishment 处死刑; 死刑: execution by hanging 以绞刑处死 *| five executions last year 去年执行的五起死刑. 4 [U] (fml 文) skill in performing eg music 表演技巧(如音乐演奏): The pianist's execution of the concerto was marvellous. 那钢琴师弹的协奏曲神乎其技. 5 (idm 习语) a stay of execution => stay n.
/ 9eksI5kju:FEnE(r); 9ZksI`kjuFEnL/ n public official who carries out a death sentence 死刑执行人; 行刑人.
/ Ig5zekjUtIv; I^`zZkjJtIv/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 (esp in business) concerned with the management and carrying out of plans, decisions, etc (尤指企业中)经营管理的, 经营的, 经理的: executive duties 经营管理的职责 *|possess executive ability 具有管理的才能. 2
having power to carry out decisions, laws, decrees, etc (对决策、 法律、 法令等)有执行权的, 行政的, 决策的: executive authority 行政当 局 *| the executive branch of the Government 政府的行政部门 *| the executive committee of a political party 一政党的执行委员会 *| the executive head of State, eg the President of the US 一国的行政首长(如美国的总统).
n 1 [CGp] person or group in a business organization, trade union, etc with administrative or managerial powers (在企业、工会等中的)行政领导; 经理; 董事; 董事会: a sales executive 营业主任 *| She's an executive in a computer company. 她是一家计算机公司的行政人员. *| The executive has/have been making decisions about the future of the company. 领导层一直在研究公司未来的决策. *|[attrib 作定语] an executive briefcase 行政人员公事包. 2 [C] (in the Civil Service) person who carries out what has been planned or decided (政府文职部门的)行政人员: [attrib 作定语] executive officer 行政主任. 3 the executive [Gp] executive branch of a government 政府的行政部门.
/ Ig5zekjUtE(r); I^`zZkjEtL/ n person who is appointed by the maker of a will to carry out the terms of the will (立遗嘱人指定的)遗嘱执行人.
/ 9eksI5dVi:sIs; 9ZksE`dVisIs/ n (pl -ses / -siz; -siz/)[U, C] (fml 文) explanation and interpretation of a written work, esp the Bible 诠释, 注解, 注释(尤指对《圣经》的文字).
/ Ig5zemplErI; I^`zZmplErI/ adj 1 serving as an example; suitable for imitation 用作模范的; 可作楷模的: exemplary behaviour 模范行为 *| an exemplary student 模范学生. 2 (fml 文) serving as a warning 用 作 警 戒 的 : exemplary punishment 警戒性的惩罚.
/ Ig5zemplIfaI; I^`zZmplE9faI/ v (pt, pp -fied) [Tn] 1 be a typical example of (sth) 是(某事物)的典型: This painting exemplifies the artist's early style. 这幅画是该画家早期艺术风格的典型. 2 (fml 文 ) give an example of (sth); illustrate by example 举 出(某 事物)的 例子 ; 举例说 明 : 964exemplify the problems involved. 举例说明所涉
/ Ig9zemplIfI5keIFn; I^9zZmplEfE`keFEn/ n 1 [U] exemplifying 举例说明; 示范. 2 [C] (fml 文) example 例证; 例子; 范例.
/ Ig5zempt; I^`zZmpt/ adj [pred 作表语] ~ (from sth) free from an obligation, duty or payment; not liable 被免除义务或责任; 不用付款; 被豁免: exempt from military service 免 服 兵 役 *|exempt from working overtime 免於超时工作*| goods exempt from tax 免税货物 *| Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges. 16 岁以下的儿童免付处方费.
v [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (from sth) (fml 文) make sb/sth exempt 使某人[某事物]免除或豁免: His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.他因视力不好而免服兵役.
/ Ig5zempFn; I^`zZmpFEn/ n [U, C].
/ 5eksEsaIz; `ZksL9saIz/ n 1 [U] use or practice (of the mind or esp the body) through effort or action (智力的)运用; (尤指)锻炼运动: The doctor advised him to take more exercise. 医生建议他多运动. *| Jogging is a healthy form of exercise. 慢跑是有益健康的锻炼方式. *| Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise. 做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋. 2 [C] activity or task intended for physical or mental training 练习; 训 练 : vocal, gymnastic, keep-fit, deep-breathing, etc exercises 发音、 体操、 保健、 深呼吸等练习 *| exercises for the piano, flute, harp, etc 钢琴、 长笛、 竖琴等的练习 *|The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework. 那位女教师给班上布置数学的家庭作业. *| [attrib 作定语] an exercise book, ie a book for writing in with soft covers and lined pages 练习本. 3 [U] ~ of sth (effective) use or application (有效的)使用或应用: The exercise of patience is essential in diplomatic negotiations. 在外交谈判中, 重要的是要有耐性. *| the exercise of one's civil rights 公民权利的行 使 *| His stories showed considerable exercise of the imagination. 他的故事颇具创意. 4 [C often pl 常作复数] series of movements or operations for training troops, etc (部队等的)操练, 演习: military exercises 军事操练 *| (fig
比喻) an exercise in diplomatic relations 外交关系上的举动. 5 exercises [pl] (US) ceremonies 典礼; 仪式: graduation exercises 毕业典礼 *|opening exercises, eg speeches at the start of a conference 开幕仪式(如致开幕词).
/ 5eksEsaIz; `ZksL9saIz/ v 1 [I] perform some kind of physical exercise (体能方面)锻炼, 运动: He exercises twice a day. 他每天锻炼两次. 2 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (in sth) give exercise1(1) to sb/sth; train sb/sth (by means of exercises) 使某人[某物]得到锻炼; 训练某人[某物]: Horses get fat and lazy if they are not exercised. 马不训练就会增膘、 变懒. *| Swimming exercises the whole body. 游泳能使身体得到全面的锻炼. 3 [Tn] make use of (sth); employ 利用(某物); 使用; 运用: exercise patience, tolerance, power, control, etc 运用耐性、 忍耐力、 权力、 控制力等 *| exercise one's rights as a citizen 行使公民权 *| Teachers exercise authority over their pupils. 教师经常管束学生. 4 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] (fml 文) worry or trouble (sb) 使(某人)担心、 忧虑或烦恼: This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment. 这一问题此刻使我们很伤脑筋. *| I am very much exercised about the education of my son. 我对儿子的教育十分操心.
/ Ig5z:t; I^`z[t/ v 1 [Tn,] ~ sth (on sb/sth) bring (a quality, skill, pressure, etc) into use; apply sth 用(某特质、 技巧、 压力等); 应用(某物): He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan. 他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的 计 划 . *| Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed. 她丈夫殷切期望她能成功, 给了她很大的压力. 2 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ oneself make an effort 努力; 尽力: You'll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam. 你若想考试及格, 就必须更加努力. *| He doesn't have to exert himself on my behalf. 他不必为我费那麽大力气.
/ Ig5z:Fn; I^`z[FEn/ n (a) [U] action of applying influence, etc 发挥; 运用; 行使; 施加: Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better. 利用权力压服别人并非永远是上策, 运用说服方法或许更为可取. (b) [C, U] (instance of) great effort 努力; 尽力; 费力: incapable of physical exertion 体力上不能劳累的 *| He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his 965exertions. 他虽然竭尽全力, 但仍未能将那石块搬
起. *| Now that I'm 90, I find the exertions of
travelling too great. 我年届 90 岁, 出远门已力不
/ 5eksIEnt; `ZksIEnt/ (Latin 拉) (as a stage direction
用作舞台说明) they leave the stage 他们退场:
exeunt Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼和克娄巴
特拉退场. Cf 参看 exit v 2.
/ eks5heIl; Zks`hel/ v [I, Tn] (fml 文) 1 breathe (sth)
out 呼出(某物): She exhaled slowly to show
her annoyance. 她长吁著气以示厌烦. *| exhale
air from the lungs 从肺中呼出气来 *| exhale
smoke 吐出烟雾. 2 give off or expel (gas or
vapour) 散发或排出(气体).
/ 9ekshE5leIFn; 9ZksE`leFEn/ n (fml 文) 1 [C] act of
exhaling 呼气; 排气. 2 [U, C] thing exhaled 被
呼出或排出之物: an exhalation of smoke 排出的
/ Ig5zR:st; I^`zRst/ n 1 [U] waste fumes, gases, steam, etc expelled from an engine or a
machine (机器排出的)废气、 蒸气等: the smell
of the exhaust 排出的废气气味 *| [attrib 作定
语 ] exhaust fumes 排 出 的 废 气 . 2 (also
ex`haust-pipe) [C] outlet or pipe through
which these gases are sent out 排气口; 排气管:
My car needs a new exhaust. 我的汽车该换排气
管了. =>illus at App 1 见附录 1 之插图, page xii.
/ Ig5zR:st; I^`zRst/ v [Tn] 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动
语态] make (a person or an animal) very tired
使(人或动物)非常疲倦: The long cycle ride
exhausted her. 她因长途骑车而疲惫不堪. *| He
exhausted himself in the attempt. 他因十分努
力而筋疲力尽. 2 use (sth) up completely 用尽, 耗尽(某物): exhaust one's patience, strength
失去耐性、 用尽力气 *| exhaust a money
supply 把钱用光. 3 make (sth) empty; take out
the contents of 将(某物)弄空; 取出(所含之物):
exhaust a well 将井汲乾. 4 say, find out, all
there is to say about (sth) 详尽论述(某事物): I
think we've just about exhausted that subject.
/ Ig5zR:stId; I^`zRstId/ adj very tired 极其疲倦的:
I'm exhausted! 我 已 筋 疲 力 尽 了 ! *| The
exhausted troops surrendered. 部队人困马乏结果投降了.
/ Ig5zR:stFEn; I^`zRstFEn/ n [U] 1 total loss of strength; extreme tiredness 筋疲力尽; 精疲力竭 ; 极 度 疲 劳 : They were in a state of exhaustion after climbing the mountain. 他们爬山以後筋疲力尽了. 2 (fml 文) action of using up completely 用尽; 耗尽; 枯竭: the rapid exhaustion of the earth's natural resources 地球上自然资源的迅速枯竭.
/ Ig5zR:stIv; I^`zRstIv/ adj very thorough; complete 彻底的; 详尽的; 完全的; 全面的: an exhaustive enquiry, search 彻底的调查、 搜查.
/ Ig5zIbIt; I^`zIbIt/ n 1 object or collection of objects displayed for the public, eg in a museum 展览品; 陈列品: a priceless exhibit 一件极贵重的陈列品 *| The museum has some interesting new exhibits from India. 博物馆新陈列一些有趣的印度展品. *| Do not touch the exhibits. 请勿触摸展品. 2 document, object, etc produced as evidence in a lawcourt (当庭出示的)证件, 物证, 证据: The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon. 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀, 据原告称是为谋杀凶器.
/ Ig5zIbIt; I^`zIbIt/ v 1 (a) [Tn] show or display (sth) for the public (for pleasure, for sale, in a competition, in a lawcourt, etc) 当众显示或展出(某物): exhibit flowers at a flower show 在花展上展出花卉 *| documents exhibited in a lawcourt 当庭出示的文件. (b) [I, Tn] (of an artist) present (works of art) for the public, esp in an art gallery (指艺术家)展出(艺术品)(尤指於美术馆): The young painter has exhibited (his work) in several galleries. 那年轻画家的作品已在几家美术馆中展出. 2 [Tn] (fml 文) show clearly that one possesses (a quality or feeling) 表现, 显示, 显出(某特质或感情): He exhibited total lack of concern for the child. 可以看出他对 那 孩 子 毫 不 关 心 . *| She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb. 她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力.
n person who displays pictures, flowers, etc at 966a show (画展、花展等的)展出者, 参展者: Nearly
fifty exhibitors have provided pictures for the display. 有近五十名参展者为画展提供了展品.
/ 9eksI5bIFn; 9ZksE`bIFEn/ n 1 [C] (a) collection of things shown publicly (eg works of art, industrial or commercial goods for advertisement) 展览品; 展览; 展览会: Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? ie exhibition of paintings by Picasso. 你参观过毕加索的画展吗?
*| [attrib 作定语] one of the exhibition halls at the Frankfurt book fair 法兰克福书展的展厅之一 . (b) public display of animals, plants, flowers, etc (esp as shown in a competition for prizes) 动物、 植物、 花卉等的展览(尤指为获奖而参赛的). 2 (a) [sing] act of showing (a quality or feeling) (某特质或感情的)表现, 显示: an exhibition of bad manners 无礼的表现 *| The quiz was a good opportunity for the exhibition of his knowledge. 这次测验是他显示知识的好机会. (b) [C] public demonstration of a skill (技术的)公开示范表演: There's an exhibition of pottery-making at the fair. 在集市场上有陶器制作的示范表演. *| a dancing exhibition 舞蹈表演. =>Usage at demonstration 用 法 见demonstration. 3 [C] (Brit) money allowance to a student from school or college funds for a number of years to pay for the costs of study 奖学金. 4 (idm 习语) make an exhi`bition of oneself (derog 贬) behave foolishly or badly in public 当众出丑; 出洋相: People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself. 弗兰克喝醉了, 出尽洋相, 使参加聚会的人很难为情.
/ -FEnE(r); -FEnL/ n (Brit) student who receives an exhibition(3) 获奖学金的学生.
/ -FEnIzEm; -FEnIzEm/ n [U] 1 tendency to behave in a way intended to attract attention to oneself 表现癖: She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party. 他在聚会上竭力表现自己使她感到很难堪. 2 (fml 文) offence of indecently exposing one's sexual organs in public 露阴癖(当众暴露自己性器官的猥亵行为).
/ -FEnIst; -FEnIst/ n person who is given to exhibitionism 好自我表现的人; 有露阴癖的人:
Children are natural exhibitionists. 儿童天生喜欢自我表现.
/ Ig5zIlEreIt; I^`zIlE9ret/ v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] make (sb) feel very happy or lively 使(某人)愉快或活跃: exhilarated by the news 这消息使人高兴 *| We felt exhilarated by our walk along the beach. 我们沿著海滩散步感到心旷神怡.
adj very exciting; causing happiness 使人兴奋的; 令人高兴的: Our first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience. 我们第一次跳伞感到兴奋莫名.
/ Ig9zIlE5reIFn; I^9zIlE`reFEn/ n [U].
/ Ig5zR:t; I^`zRrt/ v [Tn,, Dn.t] ~ sb (to sth) (fml 文) advise sb strongly or earnestly; urge sb 劝告, 规劝或告诫(某人): The chairman exhorted the party workers to action. 主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动. *| The teacher exhorted him to work hard. 教师谆谆告诫他要用功.
/ 9egzR:5teIFn; 9Z^zRr`teFEn/ n 1 [U] (fml 文) action of exhorting 劝告; 规劝; 告诫. 2 [C] earnest request; speech, etc that exhorts 诚恳的要求; 劝告; 告诫: All his father's exhortations were in vain. 他父亲的一切劝告都无效.
/ eks5hju:m; ?@ Ig5zu:m; I^`zum/ v [Tn] take (a dead body) from the ground (for examination) 掘出(尸体)(以检验): When the police exhumed the corpse they discovered traces of poison in it. 警方掘出尸体, 发现有中毒的痕迹.
/ 9ekshju:5meIFn; ?@ 9egzu:-; 9Z^zu`meFEn/n (fml 文) 1 [U] exhuming or being exhumed 掘尸. 2 [C] instance of this 掘尸.
/ 5eksIdVEnsI; `ZksEdVEnsI/ n [C often pl, U 作可数名 词时 常作 复数 , 亦作 不可 数名词 ] (fml 文 ) (condition of) urgent need or demand; emergency 紧急的需要或要求; 紧急情况; 危急关头 : The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war. 人们要承受战乱的严酷现实.
/ -dVEnt; -dVEnt/ adj (fml 文 ) 1 requiring immediate action; urgent 需要立即采取行动的; 紧急的: an exigent set of circumstances 一系列亟待处理的情况. 2 requiring much; exacting 苛求的; 苛刻的: an exigent employer 苛刻的雇主.
/ eg5zIgjUEs; I^`zI^jJEs/ adj (fml 文) very small (in
amount); scanty 稀少的; 少量的; 微小的: an
exiguous diet 量少的规定饮食 *| the last of the
old man's exiguous savings 那老人微薄积蓄中
/ 5eksaIl; `Z^zaIl/ n 1 [U] being sent away from
one's native country or home, esp for political
reasons or as a punishment; forced absence
流放; 放逐; 充军:be/live in exile 於流放中[过流
放生活] *| go/be sent into exile 流亡[遭放逐] *|
a place of exile 流放地. 2 [C] long stay away
from one's country or home 长期去国或离家:
After an exile of ten years her uncle returned
to Britain. 她叔叔背井离乡十年後返回英国. 3 [C]
person who lives away from his own country
from choice or because he is forced to (自愿
或被迫)去国者: a tax exile, ie a rich person who
moves to another country where the rate of
income tax is lower 迁往所得税率较低国家居住
的富人 *| There were many French exiles in
England after the Revolution. 法国大革命後, 有许多法国人流亡英国.
v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn,] ~ sb
(from...) send sb into exile 放逐某人: exiled for
life 遭终生流放 *| She was exiled from her
country because of her part in the plot against
the government. 她因参与反政府的阴谋而遭驱逐
/ Ig5zIst; I^`zIst/ v [I, Ipr] 1 ~ (in/on sth) (a) be real
or actual; have being 存在; 有: Do you believe
fairies exist? ie that there are really fairies? 你
相信真有小神仙吗? *| The idea exists only in
the minds of poets. 这种想法是诗人才有的. *|
laws that have existed for hundreds of years
已存在千百年的法规 *| Does life exist on Mars?
火星上有生命吗? (b) be found; occur 被发现; 发
生: This plant exists only in Australia. 这种植
物只产於澳大利亚. 2 ~ (on sth) continue living, esp with difficulty or with very little money;
survive 生存(尤指有困难或钱很少); 活下来; 幸
存: We cannot exist without food or water. 没
有食物或水我们就不能生存. *| He exists on rice
and water, ie by eating rice and water. 他靠吃
米饭和水过活. *| I can hardly exist on the wage
I'm getting; there is no money for luxuries. 我
靠我挣的工资简直难以 口, 根本无钱享受.
/ -Ens; -Ens/ n 1 [U] state or fact of existing 存在:
Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? 你相信 有 鬼 吗 ? *| This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence, ie that exists. 这是现存最早的希伯来语手稿. *| When did the world come into existence, ie begin to exist? 世界是什麽时候产生的? *| I was unaware of his existence until now. 现在我才知道有他这麽个人. 2 (a) [sing] manner of living, esp when this is difficult, boring, etc; way of living 生活(尤指艰苦、 无聊等的生活); 生活方式: We led a happy enough existence as children. 我们小时候的生活过得很愉快. *| living a miserable existence miles from the nearest town 在远离城镇的偏僻地区, 过著凄惨的日子. (b) [sing, U] continuance in life; survival 生 存 ; 存 活 : The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence, ie for existence itself. 农民要靠丰收才能活命. *| They eke out a bare existence (ie They scarcely manage) on his low salary. 他们靠他微薄的薪金勉强 口. 3 (idm 习语) the bane of sb's existence => bane.
/ -Ent; -Ent/ adj (fml 文) existing; actual 存在的; 现有的; 现存的.
/ 9egzI5stenFElIzEm; 9Z^zIs`tZnFEl9IzEm/ n (philosophy 哲 ) theory (deriving from Kierkegaard / 5kIEkEgR:d; `kirkE9^Brd/ (1813-55), the Danish philosopher, and made popular by Sartre / 5sB:trE; `sBrtrE/ (1905-80), the French writer and philosopher) that man is a unique and isolated individual in a meaningless or hostile world, responsible for his own actions and free to choose his destiny 存在主义.
/ 9egzI5stenFEl; 9Z^zIs`tZnFEl/ adj 1 (fml 文) of or relating to (esp human) existence (尤指人类)存在的; 与(人类)存在有关的. 2 of or relating to the theory of existentialism 存在主义的; 与存在主义有关的.
/ -FElIst; -FElIst/ n, adj: He's an existentialist. 他是存在主义者. *| He holds existentialist views. 他持存在主义观点.
/ 5eksIt, also 5egzt; `ZksIt, `Z^zEt/ n 1 action of leaving; departure, esp that of an actor from the stage 离别; 离开; (尤指演员)退场: The 968heroine makes her exit (from the stage). 女主
角退场. *| When his ex-wife arrived at the party he made a swift exit, ie he left quickly. 在聚会上, 他的前妻来到时, 他匆匆离去. *|[attrib 作定语] an exit visa, ie a stamp or signature on a passport giving permission to leave a particular country 出境签证. 2 way out (of a public building) (公共建筑物的)出口, 太平门: There are four emergency exits in the department store. 这百货公司有四个紧急出口. *| [attrib 作定语] The exit signs in cinemas are usually illuminated. 电影院的出口标记通常都有照明. 3 point at which a road, etc turns off from a motorway or roundabout, allowing vehicles to leave (车辆可从高速公路或环状交叉路驶出的)出口, 出路: At the roundabout, take the third exit. 在环状交叉路口, 从第三条出路驶出 . *| Leave the motorway at the Stokenchurch exit. 在斯托肯彻切出口处驶离高速公路.
v [I] 1 go out; (esp of an actor) leave (the stage) 出去; 离去; 退出; (尤指演员)退场: At the end of the third scene the actress exits. 该女演员於第三场结束时退场. *| (joc 谑) We exited from the party as soon as we could. 我们在聚会上能抽得身时, 便鞠躬下台告辞而去. 2 (as a printed stage direction in plays) he or she leaves the stage (剧本中的舞台说明)他下场: Exit Macbeth. 麦克佩斯退场. Cf 参看 exeunt.
exit poll
unofficial poll based on interviews with voters as they leave a polling station after voting 票站调查(在投票站外向刚投票者进行的访问).
comb form 构 词 成 分 external, outside or beyond 外 部 的 ; 外 面 的 ; 外 : exoskeleton / 5eksEUskelItn; 9Zkso`skZlEtn/, ie external covering on an animal, eg the shell of a crab *|exogamous / ek5sCgEmEs; Zks`B^EmEs/, ie marrying outside one's religion, caste, etc.
/ 5eksEdEs; `ZksEdEs/ n 1 [sing] ~ (from...) (to...) (fml or joc 文或谑) departure of many people at one time (大批人同时之)离去: the mass exodus of people to the sea and mountains for the summer holidays 为度暑假游山玩水大批人外出*| The play was so awful that there was a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.
那剧十分糟糕, 在幕间休息时观众纷纷离去. 2 the Exodus the departure of the Israelites from
Egypt, in about 1300 BC 出埃及事(约公元前1300 年以色列人离开埃及一事). 3 Exodus title of the 2nd book of the Bible, which tells the story of this departure 《出埃及记》(《圣经?旧约》中的第 2 卷).
/ Ig5zCnEreIt; I^`zBnE9ret/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) declare sb free from blame 宣 布 某 人 无 罪 过 : He was exonerated from all responsibility for the accident. 已确定他无须对该事故负任何责任.
/ Ig9zCnE5reIFn; I^9zBnE`reFEn/ n [U].
/ Ig5zR:bItEnt; I^`zRrbEtEnt/ adj (fml 文) (of a price, charge, etc) much too high or great; unreasonable (指价格、 索价等)过高的, 过分的, 不合理的: exorbitant rents 过高的租金 *|The price of food here is exorbitant. 这儿的食物价格太高.
/ -tEns; -tEns/ n [U] (fml 文). exorbitantly adv:
exorbitantly expensive 过於昂贵.
exorcize, exorcise
/ 5eksR:saIz; `ZksRr9saIz/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sb/sth) (esp religion 尤用於宗教) drive out or expel (an evil spirit) by prayers or magic 用祈祷或魔法驱逐或祛除(恶魔): A priest exorcized the ghost from the house. 教士将鬼从房屋中驱走. *| (fig 比喻) We gradually exorcized her feelings of panic and terror. 我们帮助她渐渐消除惊恐的感觉.
/ 5eksR:sIzEm; `ZksRr9sIzEm/ n [C, U] (instance of) exorcizing 驱除邪魔.
/ 5eksR:sIst; `ZksRr9sIst/ n person who exorcizes 驱除邪魔者.
/ Ig5zCtIk; I^`zBtIk/ adj 1 introduced from another country; not native 由外国引进的; 非本地的:
exotic houseplants 引 进 的 室 内 盆 栽 *|monkeys and other exotic animals 猴子及外来的其他动物 *| mangoes and other exotic fruits 果 及 其他 外国 水果 . 2 striking or attractive because colourful or unusual (因富色彩或式样奇特)醒目的, 吸引人的, 漂亮的: exotic plumage 别致的羽毛 *| exotic clothes 奇装异服.
/ Ik5spAnd; Ik`spAnd/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn,] ~ (sth) (into sth) (cause sth to) become greater in size, 969number or importance 使(某事物)变大, 扩大, 增大, 增加, 增强, 扩展: Metals expand when
they are heated. 金属受热则膨胀. *| A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎一打气就鼓起来. *| His modest business eventually expanded into a supermarket empire. 他原先不大的生意後来扩展成了超级市场集团企业. *|Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. 我国的对外贸易近年来已有极大发展. *| Why not try to expand your story into a novel? 你怎麽不把你的故事扩展成小说呢? 2 [I, Ipr] spread out; unfold 伸展; 伸开; 张开; 展开: The petals of the flowers expanded in the sunshine. 花瓣在阳光下张开了. *| His face expanded in a smile of welcome. 他喜笑颜开地表示欢迎. Cf 参看 contract3. 3 [I] (of a person) become more friendly or talkative (指人)变得热情或愿意交谈: The guests expanded a little when they'd had a glass or two of wine. 客人们喝了一两杯酒以後, 就有说有笑了. 4 (phr v) expand on sth develop or give more of (a story, an argument, etc) 阐述或详述(某事, 故事, 论点等): You mentioned the need for extra funding. Would you expand on that? 你曾提到需要一笔额外资金. 你详细谈谈好吗?
expanded metal
sheet metal cut and stretched into a mesh used (esp) to reinforce concrete 拉制金属网(尤指用於加固混凝土者).
expanded polystyrene
light packaging or insulation material made of air-filled plastic 多孔聚苯乙烯, 多孔塑料(用充气塑料制成的轻质包装或绝缘材料).
/ Ik5spAns; Ik`spAns/ n ~ (of sth) wide and open area (of land, sea, etc) (陆地、 海洋等的)广阔的区域: the wide expanses of the Pacific 浩淼的太平洋海域 *| the blue expanses of the sky 广阔的蓝天 *| a broad expanse of brow 宽阔的前额.
/ Ik5spAnFn; Iks`pAnFEn/ n [U] action of expanding; state of being expanded 扩大; 扩展; 膨胀: the expansion of gases when heated 气体受热时的膨 胀 *| the expansion of his business interests 他的商业利益的增加 *| the expansion of the school system 学校机构的扩大.
/ -FEnIzEm; -FEnIzEm/ n [U] belief in, or practice of, expansion, esp of one's territory or business
扩 张 主 义 , 扩 展 政 策 ( 尤 指 领 土 或 企 业 ) : Expansionism was advocated by many British politicians in the late 19th century. 19 世纪末, 英国许多政客鼓吹扩张主义. *| The owners of the firm feared the manager's vigorous expansionism. 公司的股东都惧怕经理冒进的扩展政策.
/ -FEnIst; -FEnIst/ n person who wishes esp a country or business to expand 扩张主义者; (企业中)赞成扩展政策者: [attrib 作定语] Hitler's expansionist policies 希特勒的扩张主义政策 *| expansionist business plans 扩展企业的计划.
/ Ik5spAnsIv; Ik`spAnsIv/ adj 1 able or tending to expand 可扩大或伸展的; 有扩大或伸展性的: He greeted us with an expansive gesture (eg he stretched his arms wide) and a wide smile. 他手舞足蹈笑逐颜开地迎接我们. 2 (of a person, his manner, etc) willing to talk a lot; unreserved (指人、 态度等)健谈的, 豪爽的, 开朗的: an expansive after-dinner speaker 健谈的饭後演讲者 *| be in an expansive mood after a few drinks 喝了几杯酒以後情绪高涨.
n [U].
/ Ik5speIFIeIt; Ik`speFI9et/ v [Ipr] ~ on/upon sth (fml 文) write or speak at great length or in detail about a subject 详述; 细说; 阐述: The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company. 董事长用两小时阐述了公司的规划.
/ 9eks5pAtrIEt; ?@ -5peIt-; Zks`petrIIt/ n person living outside his own country 居於国外的人; 侨民:
American expatriates in Paris 居於巴黎的美国人 *| [attrib 作定语] expatriate Englishmen in Spain 西班牙的英国侨民.
/ -rIeIt; -rI9et/ v [Tn] cause (sb) to leave his native country; expel 使(某人)移居国外; 将(某人)逐出本国; 流放: expatriated on suspicion of spying for the enemy 涉嫌里通外国而被逐出本国.
/ Ik5spekt; Ik`spZkt/ v 1 (a) [Tn,, Tf, Tt, Tnt] ~ sth (from sb/sth) think or believe that sth will 970happen or that sb/sth will come 预料, 预计, 期待, 盼望(某事物会发生或某人[某事物]会来到):
This is the parcel which we have been expecting (from New York). 这是我们一直在期待的(从纽约来的)邮包. *| I expect (that) I will be back on Sunday. 我预计星期日回来. *| You would expect that there would be/there to be strong disagreement about this. 可以料到此事会有严重分歧. *| You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week. 不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语. *| We expected him to arrive yesterday. 我们原以为他昨天能到. (b) [Tn,] ~ sth (from sb) hope and feel confident that one will receive sth (from sb) 期望, 盼望, 指望(从某人处)得到某事物: I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn't receive one. 我原来一直盼望著能收到她送的礼物, 所以因得不到而失望. *| Don't expect any sympathy from me! 不要指望能得到我的同情! =>Usage at wait1 用法见 wait1. 2 [Tn,, Tf, Tnt] ~ sth (from sb) require sth (from sb), esp as a right or duty 要求(某人)某事物(尤指有权或有责任要求者): The sergeant expects obedience from his men/that his men will obey him/his men to obey him. 中士要士兵服从他的命令. *| I expect you to be punctual. 我要求你准时. *| You will be expected to work on Saturdays. 你们星期六要上班. 3 [Tn, Tf, Tt] (not in the continuous tenses 不用 於 进行 时态 ) (infml 口 esp Brit) suppose (sth); assume 料想为(某事物); 认为; 猜想: `Who has eaten all the cake?' `Tom, I expect/I expect (that) it was Tom.' `谁把蛋糕都吃光了?'`我想是汤姆[大概是汤姆]吧.' *| `Will you need help?' `I don't expect so. ' `你需要帮忙吗?'`我想不必了.'*|`Will he be late?' `I expect so.' `他会迟到吗?'`我想会的.' 4 (idm 习语) be expecting (a baby/child) (infml euph 口, 婉) be pregnant 怀孕: I hear Sally's expecting again. 我听说萨莉又有身子了. expect too `much (of sb) believe or assume sb can do more than he can 对(某人)期望过高: `I can't finish this job by Friday you expect too much of me.' `我星期五以前干不完这项工作--你对我期望过高了.' (only) to be ex`pected likely to happen; quite normal 可能发生; 相当正常: A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected. 服下这些药後会有些疲倦. *| It is only to be expected your son
will leave home eventually. 儿子总归要离开家的, 这种事很难免.
/ Ik5spektEnsI; Ik`spZktEnsI/ n [U] state of expecting or hoping 预料; 预计; 期待; 盼望; 指望: a look/feeling of expectancy 期望的神色[心情] *|She went to meet him with an air of expectancy, ie as if expecting him to bring sth.
她去见他时带著有所期待的神情. Cf 参看 life expectancy (life).
/ Ik5spektEnt; Ik`spZktEnt/ adj expecting (esp sth good); hopeful 期待的; 期望的; 怀有希望的: (fml 文) children with expectant faces waiting for the pantomime to start 眼巴巴地等候童话剧开演的儿童们.
expectant mother
woman who is pregnant 怀孕的女人.
adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] that is expected 预料的; 预期的; 期望的: expected objections to the plan 预料到的对该计划的反对意见.
/ 9ekspek5teIFn; 9ZkspZk`teFEn/ n 1 [U] ~ (of sth) firm belief that sth will happen; hope of gaining sth/that sth will happen 预料; 预期; 期待; 期望: There's no expectation of snow tonight. 今晚预料无雪. *| The children waited patiently in expectation of (ie expecting) the magician. 孩子 们 耐 心 地 等 待 著 魔 术 师 . *| He has little expectation of winning a prize. 他对获奖不抱什麽希望. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] confident feelings (about sth) (对某事物)有信心的指望: His parents have great expectations for his future. 他父母对他的前途深寄厚望. *| She had high expectations of what university had to offer. 她对大学所能给她提供的一切期望很高. *|The holiday was beyond all expectations, ie better than was hoped for. 假日过得比预期的好得多. 3 (idm 习语) a,gainst/,contrary to (all) expec`tation(s) quite different from what was expected 出乎意料; 意想不到: a gold medal that was against all expectations 出乎意料的一枚金质奖章. ,expectation of `life years a person is expected to live 对某人的估计寿命. fall short of sb's/not come up to (sb's) expec`tations be less goodthan was expected 未 臻 理 想 : Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations. 971遗憾的是他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中的相去甚远.
*| His film performance didn't come up to expectations. 他在影片中的演出有负众望.
/ Ik5spektEreIt; Ik`spZktE9ret/ v [I, Tn] (fml or medical 文或医) send out (phlegm from the throat, blood from the lungs) by coughing; spit 吐或咯(痰、 血、 唾液等); 吐痰; 咯血; 吐唾液:
In cases of tuberculosis blood is expectorated. 肺结核病有咯血症状.
/ -rEnt; -rEnt/ n medicine that helps sb to expectorate 祛 痰 剂 : The cough medicine contains an expectorant. 咳嗽药中含有祛痰剂.
/ Ik5spi:dIEnt; Ik`spidIEnt/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (of an action) useful, helpful or advisable for a particular purpose, though not necessarily fair or moral (指行动)有用, 有助益, 可取(但不一定合理或正当): Since there was soon to be a general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of policy was politically expedient. 鉴於即将举行大选, 首相认为变通一下政 策 在 政 治 上 有 利 . *| actions that were expedient rather than principled 非原则性的权宜手段.
/ -Ens; -Ens/ (also expediency /-EnsI; -EnsI/) (n [U] suitability or usefulness for a purpose, though not necessarily fair or moral 适宜, 有用, 有利, 便利(但不一定合理或正当): He acted from expediency, not from principle. 他为求达到目的, 丧失了原则.
n means of achieving an aim, which may not be fair or moral 权宜之计, 应急手段(不一定合理或正当): resort to various expedients to get the money together 采取各种应急办法筹款.
/ 5ekspIdaIt; `ZkspI9daIt/ v [Tn] (fml 文) help the progress of (work, business, etc); hasten or speed up 有助於(工作、 业务等)的进展; 加快; 加速: Please do what you can to expedite the building work. 请尽量加快建筑工作.
/ 9ekspI5dIFn; 9ZkspI`dIFEn/ n 1 (a) organized journey or voyage with a particular aim (为某目的而组织的陆路或水路的)远行; 探险; 考察: send a party of people on an expedition 派一队人去考察 *| go on an expedition to the North
Pole 到北极去探险 *| a hunting expedition 狩猎之行 *| (joc 谑) a shopping expedition 购物之行. (b) people, vehicles, ships, etc making this journey (进行远征、 探险、 考察等的)人或使用的车辆、 船只等: members of the Mount Everest expedition 埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)探险队队员. 2 (fml 文) speed; promptness 迅速; 敏捷: We carried out the captain's orders with all possible expedition. 我们毫不迟疑地迅速执行船长的命令.
/ -FEnErI; ?@ -nerI; -FEn9ZrI/ adj [attrib 作定语] of or forming an expedition 远征的; 探险的; 考察的; 组成远征队等的: an expeditionary force, eg an army sent to take part in a war abroad 远征军(如到国外参战的军队).
/ 9ekspI5dIFEs; 9ZkspI`dIFEs/ adj (fml 文) done with speed and efficiency 迅速而有效率的; 迅速完成的: an expeditious response 迅速的反应.
adv: We will carry out the enquiry as expeditiously as possible. 我们将尽快进行调查.
/ Ik5spel; Ik`spZl/ v (-ll-) [Tn,] ~ sb (from sth) 1 force sb to leave (esp a country, school or club) 强迫(某人)离开(尤指国家、 学校或会所); 驱 逐 ; 赶 走 ; 开 除 : Following reports of drug-taking at a boarding-school, several senior boys have been expelled. 自从某寄宿学校传出有人吸毒之後, 高年级有几个男生已被开除. *| Two attaches at the embassy were expelled from the country. 大使馆的两名随员已驱逐出境. 2 send or drive (sth) out by force 用力排出或驱出(某物): expel smoke from the lungs 用力呼出肺里的烟 *| a fan in the kitchen for expelling cooking smells 为排出烹调气味而安装於厨房中的电扇.
/ Ik5spend; Ik`spZnd/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (on/upon sth/doing sth) (fml 文) 1 spend, use (money, etc) in doing sth 花费, 使用(钱等)做某事: expend time, effort and money on a project 在一项目上花费时间、 精力和金钱. 2 use (sth) up; exhaust 用光(某物); 耗尽: expend all one's ammunition, stores, fuel 用尽所有的弹药、 储备、 燃料.
adj (fml 文) that may be consumed, destroyed, etc to achieve a purpose 可消费的; 可消耗的; 972可 毁 灭 的 : In the Great War soldiers were
considered expendable. 在第一次世界大战中, 人 们 认 为 士 兵 是 尽 可 牺 牲 的 . *| In these conservation-conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable. 在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代, 草原已不容再受破坏了.
/ Ik5spendItFE(r); Ik`spZndItFL/ n 1 [U] action of spending or using 花费; 使用: the expenditure of money on weapons 购 置 武 器 的 开 支 *|expenditure of energy on a project 在一项目上耗费的精力. 2 [C, U] amount (esp of money) spent (尤指金钱的)支出额: an expenditure of 500 on new furniture 购买新家具的 500 英镑开销 *| Limit your expenditure(s) to what is essential. 你要把开销限制在必要的范围内. Cf 参看 receipt 3.
/ Ik5spens; Ik`spZns/ n 1 (a) [U] spending of money etc; cost 花 费 ; 代 价 : an expense of time, energy and cash 时间、 精力、 现金的花费 *|He hired a plane, regardless of expense. 他不惜代价, 租了一架飞机. *| Most children in Britain are educated at public expense. 英国大多数儿童靠公费受教育. (b) [C] cause of spending 花费的原因: An annual holiday is a big expense. 一年一度的假日是一笔大开销. *| Running a car is a great expense. 一辆汽车的经常开支很大. 2 expenses [pl] money spent in doing a specific job, or for a specific purpose (做某工作或为某目的)花费的钱: travelling expenses 旅费 *|House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.
*| Who's meeting the expenses of your trip? 谁为你支付旅费呢? 3 (idm 习语) at sb's expense (a) with sb paying 由 某 人 付 费 : We were entertained at the editor's expense. 由编辑付钱招待我们. (b) at sb who has behaved foolishly, been tricked, etc 针对某人(因其举动愚蠢或受到捉弄等): They had a good laugh (ie were very amused) at Sam's expense. 他们嘲弄萨姆而乐不可支. at great, little, no, etc ex`pense (to sb/oneself) with a lot of, little, no, etc money being spent (by sb/oneself) (某人[自己])花费很大、 花费很小、 无花费等: We can redecorate the room at little expense, if we use this old paint. 我们要是用这种旧漆重新装饰这房间, 就不
用花多少钱了. at the expense of sth with loss or damage to sth 在损失或损坏某事物的情况下: He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of his health. 他创建的企业很成功, 但这一切却损害了他的健康. (all) expenses `paid with an employer, etc paying for everything (由雇主等)已付费用的: [attrib 作定 语 ] She's just returned from an all-expenses-paid trip to France. 她刚由法国回来, 旅途一切费用由雇主支付. go to/put sb to the expense of sth/doing sth spend/cause sb to spend money on sth 在某事物上花钱或使某人花钱: It's stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practise. 花钱上音乐课而从不练习是很愚蠢的. *| put sb to a lot of expense 使某人破费极大. no expense(s) `spared with no regard for the cost 不惜费用: I'm going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared. 我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓. spare no expense => spare.
expense account
record of money spent by an employee in the course of his work (and later paid by his employer) 报销帐目(雇员工作上的开支记载, 事後由雇主偿付): Whenever he buys petrol, he puts it on his expense account. 他每次买汽油都记在报销帐目上.
/ Ik5spensIv; Ik`spZnsIv/ adj costing a lot (of money) 费用大的; 昂贵的: an expensive car 昂贵的汽车*| Houses are very expensive in this area. 这地区房价很高. *| It's too expensive for me to buy. 太贵了, 我买不起.
adv: an expensively dressed lady 穿著昂贵服装的女士.
/ Ik5spIErIEns; Ik`spIrIEns/ n 1 [U] (process of gaining) knowledge or skill acquired from seeing and doing things 经验; 体验: We all learn by experience. 我们都从经验中学习. *|Does she have much experience of teaching? 她教学经验丰富吗? *| He hasn't had enough work experience (ie experience of work) for the job. 他做这项工作尚无足够经验. *| I know from experience that he'll arrive late. 据我的经验之谈, 他要迟到的. 2 [C] event or activity that affects one in some way; event or activity that has given one experience(1) 经历; 阅历; 感受; 体会: an unpleasant, a trying, an unusual, etc 973experience 令人不快的、 难堪的、 不寻常等的经
历 *| You must try some of her home-made wine it's quite an experience! ie it's very unusual. 你一定要尝尝她自制的葡萄酒--一饱口福! *| He had many interesting experiences while travelling in Africa. 他在非洲旅行时, 有许多有趣的经历.
v [Tn] have experience of (sth); feel 有(某事物)的经验; 经历; 感觉; 感受; 体验: experience pleasure, pain, difficulty, great hardships, etc 体验到愉快、 痛苦、 困难、 苦难等 *| The child had never experienced kindness. 这孩子从未受过善待. *| I don't think I've ever experienced real depression. 我认为我从未体验过真正的情绪低 落 . experienced adj having experience; having knowledge or skill as a result of experience 有经验的; 有阅历的; 有见识的; 熟练的: an experienced nurse 有经验的护士 *| He's experienced in looking after children. 他有照料孩子的经验.
/ Ik5sperImEnt; Ik`spZrEmEnt/ n [C, U] (esp scientific 尤用於科学) test or trial done carefully in order to study what happens and gain new knowledge 实 验 ; 试 验 : perform/carry out/conduct an experiment 进行试验 *| The researchers are repeating the experiment on rats. 研究人员用老鼠反覆做该试验. *| prove a theory by experiment 通过试验证实一理论 *|learn by experiment 通过试验学习 *| (fig 比喻) The play was staged as an experiment. 这出剧已经试演.
v [I, Ipr] ~ (on/upon sb/sth); ~ (with sth) make an experiment 进 行 实 验 ; 进 行 试 验 : We experimented until we succeeded in mixing the right colour. 我们不断进行实验, 直至将所需颜色调配成功. *| experiment upon animals 用动物做实验 *| experiment with new methods 实验新方法.
/ Ik9sperImen5teIFn; Ik9spZrEmZn`teFEn/ n [U] (fml 文) activity, process or practice of experimenting 实 验 ; 试 验 : Many people object to experimentation on animals. 许多人反对用动物做 实 验 . *| [attrib 作 定 语 ] experimentation methods 实验方法.
/ Ik9sperI5mentl; Ik9spZrE`mZntl/ adj of, used for,
using or based on experiments 实验的; 用於实验的; 用实验的; 以实验为基础的: experimental methods 实验方法 *| an experimental farm 实验农场 *| an experimental physicist 实验物理学家 *| experimental theatre 实验剧场 *| The technique is still at the experimental stage. It hasn't been fully developed yet. 这项技术仍处於实验阶段, 尚未完全成熟.
/ -tElI; -tlI/ adv: We are using the substance experimentally at first. 我们现在先试验性地使用这种物质.
/ 5eksp:t; `Zksp[t/ n ~ (at/in/on sth/doing sth) person with special knowledge, skill or training in a particular field 专家; 能手: an agricultural expert 农业专家 *| an expert in psychology 心理学专家 *| get the advice of the experts 向专家请教 *| an expert at playing golf 打高尔夫球的能手 *| an expert on ancient Greek vases 古希腊花瓶专家.
adj ~ (at/in/on sth/doing sth) done with, having, or involving great knowledge or skill 熟 练 的 ; 老 练 的 ; 需 有 专 门 知 识 或 技 术 的 :
according to expert advice 根据专家的意见 *|an expert rider 熟练的骑手 *| an expert job 需有专门知识的工作 *| He's expert at/in cooking good cheap meals. 他善於烹制又好吃又便宜的饭菜.
n [U]: The expertness of her driving surprised him. 她驾驶技术熟练, 他感到很惊奇.
/ 9eksp:5ti:z; 9Zksp[`tiz/ n [U] expert knowledge or skill, esp in a particular field 专门知识或技能( 尤 指 在 某 一 领 域 ) : Customers will be impressed by the expertise of our highly trained employees. 我们的雇员专业性强、 训练有素, 保证顾客满意. *| We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes. 他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已.
/ 5ekspIeIt; `ZkspI9et/ v [Tn] (fml 文 ) accept punishment for (wrong one has done) and do something to show one is sorry; make up for 为(所犯罪过)受罚及补偿; 赎(罪); 抵偿: expiate one's sin/a crime/one's guilt 赎罪.
974/ 9ekspI5eIFn; 9ZkspI`eFEn/ n [U] (fml 文): large
sums paid to the family in expiation of the wrongs done to them 为赎罪付给事主家人的巨额金钱.
/ Ik5spaIE(r); Ik`spaIr/ v [I] 1 (of sth that lasts a period of time) come to an end; become no longer in use (指延续一段时间的某事物)结束, 不再使用, 期满, 终止: Our present lease on the flat expires next month. 我们这套公寓的租约下月到期. *| When does your driving licence expire? 你的驾驶执照何时到期? 2 (esp medical 尤用於医学) breathe out (air) 呼出(气). 3 (dated fml 旧, 文) die 死; 去世.
/ 9ekspI5reIFn; 9ZkspE`reFEn/ n [U] (fml 文) 1 ending, esp of the period when a contract, etc is in force 终止, 届期, 期满, 满期(尤指合同等的有效期): the expiration of the lease, tenancy, agreement, contract, etc 租约、租用、协议、合同 等 的 期 满 . 2 (esp medical 尤 用 於 医 学 ) breathing out (of air) (空气的)呼出.
/ Ik5spaIErI; Ik`spaIrI/ n ~ (of sth) ending, esp of the period when a contract or agreement is in force 终止, 届期, 期满, 满期(尤指合同或协议的有效阶段): the expiry of a driving licence, lease, credit card, contract, agreement, etc 驾驶执照、 租约、 信用卡、 合同、 协议等的期满 *|[attrib 作定语] the expiry date 终止日期.
/ Ik5spleIn; Ik`splen/ v 1 [Tn, Tw,] ~ sth (to sb) make sth plain or clear; give the meaning of sth 解释; 讲解; 说明; 阐明: A dictionary explains the meaning of words. 词典是解释词义的工具书. *| He explained his plan in some detail. 他仔细地说明了自己的计划. *| Could you explain why you left? 你能说说你为什麽离开的吗? *| Please explain this problem to me. 请把这个问题给我讲解一下. 2 [Tn, Tf, Tw,, Dpr.f, Dpr.w] ~ sth (to sb) give or be a reason for sth; account for sth 说明某事物的原因或理由; 为某事物辩解: That explains his absence. 那就是他缺席的原因. *| He explained that his train had been delayed. 他解释说他乘坐的火车误点了. *| They explained what had happened. 他们为所发生的事进行了辩解. *| She explained her conduct to her boss. 她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因. *| She explained to the children that the school had been closed. 她向孩子们解
释 说学校 已经关 门了 . *| The manager has explained to customers why the goods were late. 经理已向顾客解释货物晚到的原因. 3 (idm 习语) ex`plain oneself (a) make one's meaning clear 把自己的意思解释清楚: I don't understand your argument. Could you explain yourself a bit more? 我不明白你的论点, 你能把意思再说清楚些吗? (b) give reasons for one's behaviour 为自己的行为作解释: In recent weeks you've been late every day. Please explain yourself. 近几个星期以来你每天都迟到. 请你说说原因. 4 (phr v) explain sth away give excuses why one should not be blamed for (a fault, mistake, etc) or why sth is not important 为(过失或错误等)辩解; 为某事物搪塞: You will find it difficult to explain away your use of such offensive language. 你使用这样无礼的语言是很难说得过去的. *| He explained away his late arrival by blaming it on the crowded roads. 他辩称路上人多而把迟到一事推脱得一乾二净.
/ 9eksplE5neIFn; 9ZksplE`neFEn/ n 1 [U] (process of) explaining 解释; 讲解; 说明; 阐述: He left the room without explanation. 他离开了房间而未加解释. *| I should say a few words (by way) of explanation. 我应当说几句解释的话. *| Had he anything to say in explanation of his behaviour? 他对自己的行为做过什麽解释吗? 2 [C] statement, fact, circumstance, etc that explains sth 能说明某事物缘由的言语、事实、情况等: That's not an adequate explanation. 这并不足以说明问题. *| a satisfactory explanation of the mystery 有关此奥秘的一种令人信服的解释*| His explanations are always difficult to believe. 他的说法总是很难令人相信.
/ Ik5splAnEtRrI; ?@ -tR:rI; Ik`splAnE9tRrI/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] giving, serving or intended as an explanation 解释的; 说明的: explanatory notes at the back of a book 书後的注释.
/ Ik5spli:tIv; ?@ 5eksplEtIv; `ZksplItIv/ n (fml 文) violent (often meaningless) exclamation said in anger, pain, etc; swear-word (愤怒、 痛苦等时用的)叹词(常无意义); 咒骂语: `Damn!' is an expletive. `该死!'是咒骂语. *| He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot. 他的熨斗掉下砸在脚上, 他随口骂了几声.
/ Ik5splIkEbl, also 5eksplIkEbl; `ZksplIkEbl,Ik`splIkEbl/ 975adj (fml 文) that can be explained 可解释的; 可
说明的: His behaviour is explicable in the light
of his recent illness. 他因近日患病, 这种表现是
可以理解的. *| Scientists had maintained that
the crop failure was not explicable. 科学家认为
/ 5eksplIkeIt; `ZksplI9ket/ v [Tn] (fml 文) explain
and analyse (esp an idea, a statement or a
work of literature) in detail 详细解说并分析(尤
指想法、说法或文学作品): explicate one's moral
values 详细阐述自己的道德标准.
/ Ik5splIsIt; Ik`splIsIt/ adj 1 (a) (of a statement, etc)
clearly and fully expressed (指说法等)明确而
详细的: He gave me explicit directions on how
to get there. 他清清楚楚地告诉我怎样到达那里.
*| They gave explicit reasons for leaving. 他们
明确地说出了离开的原因. (b) (of a person) saying
sth clearly, exactly and openly (指人)(说得)
明确的, 直率的, 开诚布公的: She was quite
explicit about why she left. 她对自己离去的原因
直言不讳. 2 with nothing hidden or implied 毫
不隐瞒的; 毫不含蓄的: explicit sex scenes in the
film 影片中露骨的性爱镜头.
adv: She was explicitly forbidden to attend. 清
n [U].
/ Ik5splEUd; Ik`splod/ v 1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to)
burst with a loud noise; blow up (使某物)爆
炸 ; 炸 开 : When the boiler exploded many
people were injured. 因锅炉爆炸, 许多人受了伤.
*| The firework exploded in his hand. 那个爆竹
在他手里响了. *| explode a bomb 使一颗炸弹爆
炸. Cf 参看 implode. 2 [I, Ipr] (a) (of feelings)
burst out suddenly (指感情)迸发: At last his
anger exploded. 他 终 於 大 发 雷 霆 . (b) ~
(with/in/into sth) (of people) show sudden
violent emotion (指人)冲动, 激动: He exploded
with rage, fury, jealousy, etc. 他勃然大怒、 暴
跳如雷、 妒火中烧等. *| She exploded into loud
laughter. 她突然大笑起来. 3 [I] (of a population, etc) increase suddenly or quickly (指人口等)
突 然 或 迅 速 增 加 : the exploding world
population 激增的世界人口. 4 [Tn] destroy (a
theory, an idea, etc) by showing it to be false
破除, 推翻(一理论、 观念等)(揭示其谬误): explode a superstition 破除迷信 *| The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago. 认为吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外奇谈, 多年前已祛除殆尽.
exploded diagram
one showing the parts of a structure in their relative positions but slightly separated from each other 分解图.
/ 5eksplRIt; `ZksplRIt/ n [C] brave or adventurous deed or action 英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹: The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired. 跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已.
*| (joc 谑) I'm not interested in hearing about Bill's amorous exploits. 我没兴 趣听比尔那些色胆包天的事. =>Usage at act1 用法见 act1.
/ Ik5splRIt; Ik`splRIt/ v [Tn] 1 use, work or develop fully (esp mines and other natural resources) 利用或开发(尤指矿藏和其他自然资源): exploit oil reserves, water power, solar energy, etc 开发石油资源、 开发水利资源、 利用太阳能. 2 use (sb/sth) selfishly and unfairly for one's own advantage or profit 剥削或利用(某人[某事物]): child labour exploited in factories 在工厂中受剥削的童工 *| exploit a situation for one's own advantage 趁著形势谋取私利 *| They exploited her generosity shamelessly. 他们无耻地利用了她的慷慨.
adj that can be exploited 可利用的; 可开发的; 可剥削的: few exploitable coal-mines 少量可开采的煤矿.
/ 9eksplRI5teIFn; 9ZksplRI`teFEn/ n [U] exploiting or being exploited 利 用 ; 开 发 ; 剥 削 : full exploitation of oil wells 充分利用油井资源 *|the exploitation of child labour 对童工的剥削.
/ Ik5splR:(r); Ik`splRr/ v 1 [I, Tn] travel into or through (a place, esp a country) in order to learn about it 踏勘; 勘探; 探测; 在(一地方, 尤指一国家)探险, 考察: explore the Arctic regions 到 北 极 地 区 探 险 *| Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent. 哥伦布发现了美洲, 但没有考察这块新大陆. *|explore a castle 探察一城堡 *| As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. 他们一到这座城镇就出外查看周围环境. 2 [Tn] examine (sth) thoroughly in order to test or 976find out about it (为测试或了解)仔细检查(某
事物); 探索; 探究: explore one's conscience 良
心省察 *| We explored several solutions to the
problem. 我们探讨了几种解决该问题的方法.
/ 9eksplE5reIFn; 9ZksplE`reFEn/ n 1 [U] activity of
exploring 勘 探 ; 探 测 ; 探 索 ; 探 究 : the
exploration of space 对宇宙空间的探索 *| a
voyage of exploration 探险航行 *| detailed
exploration of a subject 对一题目的详细探讨. 2
[C] instance of this 勘探; 探测; 探索; 探究: in
the course of his explorations of the country
在他对该国进行探索的过程中 *| an exploration
of the subconscious mind 对潜意识的探索.
/ Ik5splCrEtrI; ?@ -tR:rI; Ik`splRrE9tRrI/ adj for the
purpose of finding out sth 勘探的; 探测的; 探
索的: exploratory medical tests 探索性的医学试
验 *| an exploratory expedition up the
Amazon river 沿亚马孙河逆流而上的探险旅程.
/ Ik5splR:rE(r); Ik`splRrL/ n person who explores 勘
探 者 ; 探 测 者 ; 探 险 者 ; 探 索 者 ; 探 究 者 :
Christopher Columbus was one of the great
explorers. 克里斯托弗?哥伦布是伟大的探险家.
/ Ik5splEUVn; Ik`sploVEn/ n 1 (a) (loud noise caused
by) sudden and violent bursting; exploding 爆
裂(声); 爆炸(声): a bomb explosion 炸弹爆
炸 *| gas explosions 气 体 爆 炸 *| The
explosion was heard a mile away. 那爆炸声一
英里外都可听到. (b) sudden outburst (of anger, laughter, etc) (愤怒、 笑声等的)迸发: an
explosion of rage 大 发 雷 霆 . 2 great and
sudden increase 激增: a population explosion
人口激增 *| the explosion of oil prices 石油价格
/ Ik5splEUsIv; Ik`splosIv/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 1
likely or easily able to explode 爆炸性的; 易爆
炸的: an explosive mixture of chemicals 爆炸性
化学混合物 *| explosive materials 爆炸材料 *|
Hydrogen is highly explosive. 氢极易爆炸. 2
that arouses strong feelings or leads to violent
outbursts 使人冲动的; 导致猛烈爆发的: an
explosive situation, issue 一触即发的形势、 极
易 引 起 争 端 的 问 题 *| Politics can be an
explosive subject. 政治问题容易引起激烈的争论.
*| an explosive temper 暴躁的脾气.
n [C] substance that is likely or able to explode 爆炸物; 炸药: Dynamite is an explosive. 炸药是爆炸物. *| The bomb was packed with high explosive, ie a substance that explodes with great force. 这炸弹装有烈性炸药.
/ Ik5spEUnEnt; Ik`sponEnt/ n 1 person or thing that explains and supports a theory, belief, cause, etc (理论、 信仰、 事业等的)倡导者, 拥护者: an exponent of free trade 自由贸易的拥护者 *|Huxley was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution. 赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的鼓吹者. 2 person able to perform skilfully a particular activity (某种活动的)能手: the most famous exponent of mime 最著名的哑剧表演大师 *|She's a practised exponent of the sport of water-skiing. 她 是 滑 水 运 动 健 将 . 3 (mathematics 数) figure or symbol that shows how many times a quantity must be multiplied by itself 指数; 幂: In a3, the figure 3 is the exponent. a3中的3是指数. *| In xn, the symbol n is the exponent. xn 中的 n 是指数.
/ 9ekspEU5nenFl; 9Zkspo`nZnFEl/ adj (mathematics 数) 1 of or indicated by an exponent(3) 指数的; 幂的: 24 is an exponential expression. 24 是一个 指 数 式 . 2 produced or indicated by multiplying a set of numbers by themselves 由指数产生或表示的: an exponential function 指数函数 *| (fig 比喻) exponential (ie more and more rapid) growth 越来越快的增长 *| an exponential curve, eg on a graph indicating population increase 指数曲线(如人口增长示意图上的).
/ -FElI; -FElI/ adv: increase exponentially. 按指数增长.
/ 5ekspR:t; `ZkspRrt/ n 1 [U] (business or action of) exporting 输出, 出口(的业务或活动): a ban on the export of gold 禁止黄金出口 *| [attrib 作定语 ] an `export licence 出 口 许 可 证 *| the `export trade 出口贸易 *| `export duties, ie tax paid on exported goods 出口税. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] thing exported 出口物; 输出物: Last year's exports exceeded imports in value. 去年的出口价值超过进口. *| What are the chief exports of Botswana? 博茨瓦纳的主要输出品是 977什麽? Cf 参看 import2.
/ Ik5spR:t; Iks`pRrt/ v [I, Tn] send (goods) to another country for sale 输 出 ; 出 口 : This company has a large home market (ie many buyers within the country) but doesn't export.
这家公司国内市场很大, 不做出口生意. *| India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. 印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉花. Cf 参看 import1.
/ 9ekspR:5teIFn; 9ZkspRr`teFEn/ n [U] exporting of goods 输 出 ; 出 口 : articles for exportation abroad 销往国外的物品 *| He manufactures paper for exportation only. 他的工厂生产的纸张仅供出口.
n person, company or country that exports goods 出口商; 出口公司; 出口国: Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国. *| He is a successful exporter of diamonds. 他是事业有成的钻石出口商.
/ Ik5spEUz; Ik`spoz/ v 1 [Tn,] (a) uncover or make (sth) visible; display 显露或露出(某事物); 显示: When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth. 他笑时露出了一口漂亮的白牙. (b) ~ sth/sb/oneself (to sth) uncover or leave sb/sth/oneself uncovered or unprotected 显露或暴露某人[某事物/自己]; 处於无遮蔽或不受保护的状态: The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock. 泥土被洪水冲走, 露出光秃秃的岩石. *| expose soldiers to unnecessary risks 使士兵冒不必要的危险 *|expose one's skin to the sun 使皮肤暴露於阳光下 *| The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain. 婴儿被离弃於风雨之中. *| (fig 比喻) expose oneself to criticism, ridicule, mockery, etc 遭受批评、 嘲笑、 嘲弄等. 2 [Tn] (a) make known (sth secret); reveal 揭露(秘密); 揭穿; 揭发; 揭破; 显露: expose a plot, project, plan, etc 揭露阴谋、 方案、 计划等 *| That unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject. 他说了那句不妥的话, 暴露了自己对此事的无知. (b) make known (the guilt or wrongdoing) of ( a secretly guilty person) 揭露(某人)的(不为人知的罪恶或过错); 揭穿; 揭发; 揭破: expose crime, scandal, injustice, fraud, etc 揭露罪行、丑闻、 冤假错案、 骗局等 *| expose a criminal, an impostor, a culprit, etc 揭露罪犯、 冒名顶替
者 、 犯 错 误 的 人 等 . 3 [Tn,] (in photography) allow light to reach (film, etc) (摄影)使(软片等)曝光: expose a reel of film 使一卷软片曝光. 4 [Tn] ~ oneself indecently show one's sexual organs in public 猥亵性公开裸露自己的性器官: An old man was arrested for exposing himself to young children. 有个老头向儿童裸露性器官而遭逮捕.
adj (of a place) not sheltered (from wind, weather, etc) (指地方)无遮蔽的; 不遮挡风雨的: The cottage is in a very exposed position at the top of the hill. 那小屋位於山顶毫无遮蔽之处.
/ ek5spEUzeI; ?@ 9ekspE5zeI; 9ZkspE`ze/ n 1 short statement of a number of facts or beliefs (对事实或主张的)简短的陈述. 2 account of the facts of a situation, esp when these are shocking or have been kept deliberately secret 叙述, 报道( 尤 指 令 人 震 惊 的 或 曾 故 意 保 密 的 ) : The newspaper published an expose of the film star's past life. 报纸发表了该影星的逸闻. *| an expose of corruption within the government 揭露政府内部腐败情况的报道.
/ 9ekspE5zIFn; 9ZkspE`zIFEn/ n (fml 文) 1 (a) [U] explaining or making clear by giving details 解释; 说明. (b) [C] instance of this; explanation of a theory, plan, etc 解释; 说明; 解说; (理论、计划等的)讲解: an exposition of the advantages of nuclear power 对核动力优越性的阐释. 2 [C] exhibition of goods, etc (货物等的)展出; 展览会; 博览会: an industrial exposition 工业博览会.
/ Ik5spCstFUleIt; Ik`spBstFE9let/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (on/about sth) (fml 文) make a protest (to sb); reason or argue (with sb), esp to persuade him not to do sth (向某人)提抗议; (与某人)讲道理或争论; (尤指)规劝, 劝戒: They expostulated with him about the risks involved in his plan. 他们指出他的计划有风险, 劝他放弃.
/ Ik9spCstFU5leIFn; Ik9spBstFE`leFEn/ n [U, C] (making a) protest; reasoned persuasion, etc 抗议; 规劝; 劝戒: My expostulation(s) had no effect. 我提出的劝告毫无作用.
/ Ik5spEUVE(r); Ik`spoVL/ n 1 [U] action of exposing or state of being exposed 显露; 暴露; 揭露; 揭发 ; 曝 光 : Exposure of the body to strong 978sunlight can be harmful. 身体受烈日曝晒会造成
损伤. *| The baby died of exposure, ie as a result of being exposed to the weather. 那婴儿因曝露於室外而夭折. *| the exposure of his ignorance 他的无知的暴露 *| The exposure of the plot against the President probably saved his life. 揭发了反总统的阴谋可能救了他一命. *|the exposure of photographic film to light 摄影软片的曝光. 2 [C] instance of exposing or being exposed (expose 2b) 揭露; 揭穿; 揭发; 揭破: As a result of these exposures (ie facts being made known to the public) several ministers resigned from the government. 这些问题揭发後, 有几个大臣辞职了. 3 action of exposing a film etc to the light (软片等的)曝光 *| An exposure of one-hundredth of a second will be enough, ie Exposing the film for that length of time will make a good picture. 曝光百分之一秒就够了. *|How many exposures have you got left? ie How many pictures remain on the camera film? 还剩 下 多 少 张 底 片 没 照 ? 4 [U] publicity (on television, innewspapers, etc) (电视、 报纸等上的)宣传: Her new filmhas had a lot of exposure on television recently. 她的新影片最近在电视上做了大量宣传.
exposure meter (also light meter)
device to measure illumination and to indicate how long a film should be exposed to light 曝光表.
/ Ik5spaUnd; Ik`spaJnd/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (to sb) (fml 文) explain or make sth clear by giving details 详 加 解 释 或 详 述 某 事 物 : expound a theory 详细解释一理论 *| He expounded his views on education to me at great length. 他向我详细讲述了他的教育观点.
/ Ik5spres; Ik`sprZs/ adj [attrib 作定语] 1 going, sent or delivered quickly (进行、 传递或运送)迅速的: express delivery 快递 *| an express letter 快信 *| an express messenger 传送快件的信差. 2 clearly and definitely stated; explicit 清楚的; 明确的: It was his express wish that you have his gold watch after he died. 他的愿望很明确, 死後把金表留给你.
adv by express delivery; by express train 用快邮递送; 乘快车: The parcel was sent express. 这包裹是用快邮寄的. *| travel express 乘快车旅
adv 1 clearly; definitely 清楚地; 明确地: You were expressly told not to touch my papers. 已经明确地告诉过你不要动我的文件. 2 with a special purpose 特 地 ; 专 门 : a dictionary expressly compiled for foreign students of English 专为学习英语的外国学生编纂的词典.
expressway (also throughway)
n (US) = motorway: a major accident on the expressway 高速公路上的严重车祸. =>Usage at road 用法见 road.
/ Ik5spres; Ik`sprZs/ n 1 [C] (also express train) fast train that stops at few stations 快车: the 8.00 am express to Edinburgh 早上 8 点开往爱丁堡的快车. 2 [C] (US) company that delivers goods quickly 捷运公司. 3 [U] service provided by the post office, railways, road services, etc for carrying goods quickly (邮局、 铁路、 公路等部门提供的)快邮, 速递, 速运: send goods by express 特快货运.
/ Ik5spres; Ik`sprZs/ v 1 [Tn, Tw,, Dpr.w] ~ sth (to sb) show or make known (a feeling, an opinion, etc) by words, looks, actions, etc (用语言、 神色、 动作等)表示或表达(感情、 意见等): The guests expressed their thanks before leaving. 客 人 们 临 走 前 表 示 了 谢 意 . *| His actions express his love more than any words could do. 他用行动表示的爱胜过任何言语. *| He could not express his feelings of sadness to his mother. 他不能向母亲表露出内心的悲痛. *| I can't express to you how grateful I am for your help. 你对我 的帮助 , 我感 激不 尽 . 2 [Tn] ~ oneself speak or write (clearly) what one thinks, feels, etc (清楚地)表达自己的意思:
Learning to express oneself well is an important part of education. 学会把意思表达清楚是受教育的一个重要方面. *| He is still unable to express himself in English. 他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思. 3 [Tn,] ~ sth (from/out of sth) (fml 文) press or squeeze out (esp juices or oil) 压 出或 榨出 (尤 指汁 液或 油) : juice expressed from grapes 自葡萄榨出的汁 *| milk expressed from a mother's breast 从母亲乳房里挤出的乳汁. 4 [Tn] (Brit) send (a letter, parcel, etc) fast by special delivery 用快邮寄出(信、 邮包等).
979/ Ik5spreFn; Ik`sprZFEn/ n 1 (a) [U] action or
process of expressing (express3 1) 表示; 表达: She gave expression to her sadness, ie said or showed how sad she was. 她流露出了悲伤之情. *| The school encourages free expression in art, drama and creative writing. 学校鼓励师生在艺术、 戏剧和文学创作上自由发挥. *| The scenery was beautiful beyond expression, ie too beautiful to describe. 那景色妙不可言. *|The poet's anger finds expression (ie a means of expressing itself) in the last line of the poem. 诗人在诗中最後一行把愤怒宣泄出来. (b) [C] (fml 文) instance or example of this 表示; 表达: expressions of welcome to the queen 对女王欢迎的表示 *| They greeted the president with many expressions of pleasure. 他们兴高采烈地欢迎总统. 2 [C] look on a person's face that shows a mood or feeling 神色; 表情: a happy expression 愉快的神情 *| `I don't understand,' he said, with an expression of complete surprise (on his face). `我不明白,'他说时(脸上)显出惊讶的神色. 3 [U] showing feeling for the meaning when playing music or speaking (演奏乐曲或说话时流露出的)感情: recite a poem with expression 带感情地朗读诗歌 *| She puts great expression into her violin playing. 她的小提琴演奏感情充沛. 4 [C] word or phrase 词; 词语: `Shut up' (meaning `Stop talking') is not a polite expression. `闭嘴'(意为`别说话')不是礼貌用语. *| slang expressions 俚语. 5 [C] (mathematics 数) group of symbols expressing a quantity 式; 表达式: 3xy2 is a mathematical expression. 3xy2 是数学式.
adj not showing feelings, thoughts, etc (对感情、 思想等)不流露的; 没有表情的; 呆板的: an expressionless face, voice, tone, etc 呆板的面孔、 冷冰冰的声音、 平淡的声调等 *| His recitation was almost expressionless. 他的朗诵几乎毫无感情.
/ Ik5spreFEnIzEm; Ik`sprZFEn9IzEm/ n [U] style of painting, music, drama, film, etc which tries to express the artist's or writer's emotional experience rather than to show the physical world in a realistic way 表现主义.
/ -FEnIst; -FEnIst/ adj, n: of the expressionist school 表现主义流派的 *| an expressionist film 表现主义流派的影片 *| He's an expressionist.
/ Ik5spresIv; Ik`sprZsIv/ adj 1 showing one's feelings or thoughts 表现感情或思想的; 富有表情的: an expressive face, gesture 富有表情的脸、 姿势 *| an expressive piece of music 抒情的乐曲. 2 [pred 作表语] ~ of sth (fml 文) expressing sth 表 示 或 表 达 某 事 物 : a cry expressive of pain 表示痛苦的呼叫 *| a look expressive of despair 表示绝望的神情.
adv: He reads his poems very expressively. 他朗诵自己的诗感情充沛.
n [U].
/ eks5prEUprIeIt; Zks`proprI9et/ v [Tn,] (fml or law 文或律) 1 ~ sth (from sb) (a) take away (property, etc) for public use without payment to the owner 徵用, 没收(财产等): The new government expropriated his estate for military purposes. 新政府将他的地产徵作军用.
(b) ~ sb (of sth) dispossess sb in this way (以徵用或没收的方式)剥夺某人的(财产等的)所有权: She was expropriated (of her land). 她的(土地的)所有权已遭剥夺. 2 ~ sth (from sb/sth) take away (property, money, etc) illegally from the owners for one's own use (非法从物主处)取走(财物等)据为己有: He expropriated the jewels from the bank's safe. 他非法将他人的珠宝从银行保险箱中取走.
/ 9eks9prEUprI5eIFn; Zks9proprI`eFEn/ n [U, C].
/ Ik5spQlFn; Ik`spQlFEn/ n ~ (from...) 1 [U] action of expelling or being expelled 驱 逐 ; 开 除 :
Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚. *| [attrib 作定语] an expulsion order, ie an official order expelling a person from a country 驱逐出境令. 2 [C] instance of this 驱逐; 开除: There have been three expulsions from the school this year. 今年学校已开除了三名学生.
/ Ik5spQndV; Ik`spQndV/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) (fml 文) remove or wipe out (words, names, etc) from a list, book, etc (从名单、 书等上)除去、删除或擦掉(词语、名字等): Her name was expunged from the list. 她的名字已从名册上除掉. *| (fig 比喻) He could not expunge the incident from his memory. 他无法忘掉这件事. 980expurgate
/ 5ekspEgeIt; `ZkspL9^et/ v [Tn] remove (what are considered to be) improper or objectionable parts from (a book, etc) 从(书等中)删除(被认为 )不当或 令人反 感的部 分 : an expurgated edition of a novel 一部小说的洁本.
/ 9ekspE5geIFn;9ZkspL`^eFEn/ n [C, U].
/ 5ekskwIzIt, also Ik5skwIzIt; `ZkskwIzIt, Ik`skwI-zIt/ adj 1 extremely beautiful or delicate; finely or skilfully made or done 优美的; 优雅的; 精致的; 制作精良的: (an) exquisite painting 极漂亮的画*| exquisite workmanship 精致的工艺 *| an exquisite piece of lace 精美的花边. 2 (fml 文) (a) (of emotion) strongly felt; acute (指感情)感觉强烈的; 剧烈的: exquisite joy, happiness, etc 极大的愉快、 幸福等 *| exquisite pain, agony, etc 剧烈的疼痛、 痛苦等. (b) (of power to feel) delicate; sensitive (指感觉、 感受)敏锐的, 敏感的: exquisite taste 高尚的趣味 *| exquisite sensibility 细腻的感情.
n [U].
abbr 缩写 = 1 exterior; external. Cf 参看 int 1. 2 extension (number) (eg of a telephone) 电话分机(号码): ext 4299 分机号码 4299.
/ ek5stAnt; ?@ 5ekstEnt; `ZkstEnt/ adj (esp of documents, etc) still in existence (尤指文件等)仍 然 存 在 的 , 现 存 的 : the earliest extant manuscript of this poem 此诗现存最早的原稿*| an ancient but extant law 一古老的但仍然有效的法律.
/ ek9stempE5reInIEs; Zk9stZmpE`renIEs/ adj (fml 文) spoken or done without preparation; extempore 即席的; 无准备的.
/ ek5stempErI; Ik`stZmpErI/ adj, adv (spoken or done) without previous thought or preparation; impromptu 无准备的; 即席的: an extempore speech 即 席 讲 话 *| speak extempore, ie without notes 即席发言.
extemporize, extemporise
/ Ik5stempEraIz; Ik`stZmpE9raIz/ v [I] (fml 文) speak or perform extempore 即席讲话; 即兴表演: He
had to extemporize because he had forgotten to bring his notes. 他因为忘了带讲稿, 只好即席发言.
extemporization, extemporisation
/ Ik9stempEraI-5zeIFn; ?@ -rI5z; Ik9stZmpErE`zeFEn/ n [U, C].
/ Ik5stend; Ik`stZnd/ v 1 [Tn] make (sth) longer or larger (in space or time) 使(某物)(在空间或时间上)更大, 更长, 伸长, 延长, 延展: extend a fence, wall, railway, garden 扩建篱笆、 墙、 铁路、 花园 *| extend credit, ie prolong the time for payment of a debt 延长信用期限 *| Can you extend your visit a few days longer? 你能多停留几天吗? 2 [Tn,] lay or stretch out (the body or a limb) at full length 伸展, 舒展(肢体 ) : The gymnast extended her arms horizontally. 那女子体操运动员双臂平伸. *| The bird extended its wings in flight. 那鸟展翅飞翔. *| He extended his hand to (ie offered to shake hands with) the new employee. 他主动与新雇员握手. 3 [Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) offer or give sth 提供或给予某事物: They extended the Queen a warm welcome. 他们热烈欢迎女王. *|extend hospitality, an invitation, a greeting to sb 款待、 邀请、 问候某人 *| They extended a warm welcome to her. 他们向她表示热烈欢迎. 4 [In/pr] (of space, land, time, etc) reach or stretch; be continuous (指空间、 土地、 时间等)达到, 伸展, 伸延: The road extends for miles and miles. 这 条 路 向 远 处 绵 延 伸 展 . *| My garden extends as far as the river. 我的花园一直伸展到河边. 5 [Tn,] cause (sth) to reach or stretch 使(某物)达到或伸展: extend the ladder 将梯子伸长 *| extend a cable between two posts 在两根柱子间拉一条缆绳. 6 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] use or stretch the abilities or powers of (oneself, a person or an animal) to the greatest possible degree 使(自己、 某人或某动物)竭尽全力: Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the examination. 吉姆这次考试大可不必那麽拼命. *| The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain. 那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了.
extended family
family structure (as in parts of Africa) where uncles, aunts and cousins are regarded as close relatives, with an obligation to help and support each other 大家庭(数代同堂的家庭).
981/ Ik5stenFn; Ik`stZnFEn/ n 1 [U] process or action of
extending (extend 1,2,3); state of being extended 伸长; 延长; 延展; 伸展; 提供; 给予:
The extension of the garden will take several weeks. 扩建花园需要几个星期. *| the extension of scientific knowledge 科学知识的普及 *| the extension of a warm welcome 给予热烈的欢迎. 2 [C] (a) ~ (to sth) added part; addition; enlargement 增加的部分; 增加; 扩大: build an extension to a hospital 扩建一医院 *| Our extension is nearly finished. 我们的扩建部分已接近完工. (b) ~ (of sth) additional period of time 增加的一段时间; 延长期: an extension of one's summer holidays 暑 假 的 延 长 *| get an extension (of time), eg for paying a debt 获得延期(如偿债的宽限期)*| He's got an extension to finish writing his thesis. 他获准延期交论文. 3 [C] telephone line leading from the main phone or switchboard to another room or office in a (large) building; its number 电话分机; 分机号码: There are telephone extensions in every office. 每间办公室都有电话分机. *| She has an extension in the kitchen and in the bedroom. 她的厨房和卧室都有电话分机. *|`Extension 326, please.' `请接 326 号分机.' 4 [U] (medical or fml 医 或 文 ) (a) action of stretching out a limb or finger (四肢或手指的)伸展: Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的. (b) its position when stretched out 伸展开的姿势: The leg is now at full extension. 现在腿已伸直.
/ Ik5stensIv; Ik`stZnsIv/ adj 1 large in area; extending far 广大的; 广阔的: an extensive view 广阔的视野 *| extensive farming 粗放的耕作 *| the extensive grounds of a country house 农舍的宽敞庭院. 2 large in amount; wide-ranging 大 量 的 ; 广 泛 的 : extensive alterations to a building 对一建筑物大规模的改建 *| Her knowledge of the subject is extensive. 她这方面的学识很渊博.
adv: He has travelled extensively in Europe. 他遍游欧洲各地.
n [U] (fml 文 ): The extensiveness of his knowledge surprised them. 他知识广博使他们很惊奇.
/ Ik5stent; Ik`stZnt/ n 1 [U] length; area; range 长
度; 面积; 范围: From the roof we could see the full extent of the park. 我们从屋顶可以一览公园的全景. *| I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. 我对他知识的渊博感到惊奇. *| The new race track is nearly six miles in extent. 这条新跑道将近六英里长. 2 (idm 习语) to some, what, such an, a certain, etc extent to the degree specified 达到某程度: To some extent you are correct. 在某种程度上你是正确的. *| To what extent can he be believed? 可以相信他到什麽程度? *| The carpet was badly stained, to such an extent that (ie so much that) you couldn't tell its original colour. 这块地毯已经脏得辨认不出原来的颜色了. *| I agree with you to a certain extent, but... 我在一定程度上同意你的意见, 但... *| He's in debt to the extent of 200. 他负债达 200 英镑.
/ Ik5stenjUeIt; Ik`stZnjJ9et/ v [Tn] (fml esp law 文, 尤用於法律) make (wrongdoing) less serious (by providing an excuse) (提出藉口或理由)使(罪过)的严重性减轻: Nothing can extenuate such appalling behaviour. 这种骇人听闻的行径罪无可 恕 . *| Because of extenuating circumstances (ie facts taken into consideration that might be regarded as an excuse), the court acquitted him of the crime. 因考虑到情有可原, 法庭判他无罪.
/ Ik9stenjU5eIFn; Ik9stZnjJ`eFEn/ n (fml 文 ) [U] action of extenuating; being extenuated 减轻罪责: He pleaded poverty in extenuation of (ie as an excuse for) the theft. 他以贫穷为藉口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑.
/ Ik5stIErIE(r); Ik`stIrIL/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] on or coming from the outside; outer 外部的; 外来的; 外出的; 外面的; 外表的; 外界的: paint the exterior walls of a house 给房子的外墙刷油漆 *| exterior features of a building 建筑物的外观. Cf 参看 interior.
n 1 [sing] outward appearance or surface; outside 外貌; 外表; 外面; 外部: The exterior of the building is very unattractive. 这建筑物的外观很不起眼. *| a gentle man with a rough exterior 外貌粗拙而性情温和的男子. 2 [C] scene set outside in a painting or play (绘画或戏剧的)外景.
/ Ik5st:mIneIt; Ik`st[mE9net/ v [Tn] destroy
completely (a race or group of people or
animals); wipe out 彻底毁灭(一种族、 一群人
或动物); 消灭; 根除; 灭绝: exterminate all the
inhabitants of the village 灭绝村中所有的生灵
*| exterminate rats to prevent the spread of
disease 为防止疾病传播而灭鼠.
/ Ik9st:mI5neIFn; Iks9t[mE`neFEn/ n [U].
/ Ik5st:nl; Ik`st[nl/ adj 1 (of or for the) outside;
situated on the outside of sth (esp the body)
外面的; 为外面的; 位於某物(尤指身体)外表的:
for external use only, eg on a label on a skin
cream 仅供外用(如皮肤膏的标记) *| All his
injuries are external, ie He hasn't been injured
inside the body. 他受的伤都是外伤. 2 coming
from outside (a place, sb's mind, etc) 来自(某
地、 某人思想意识等)外部的: a tribe hardly
affected by external influences 几乎没受过外来
影响的部落 *| This news programme only
covers external events, ie foreignnews. 这一新
闻节目只报道国外消息. Cf 参看 internal.
n 1 [C] (infml 口 ) = external examiner. 2
externals [pl] (fml 文 ) outward features or
appearances 外观; 外貌: Do not judge people
by externals alone. 不能仅以貌取人. *| the
externals of religion, ie acts and ceremonies
(contrasted with inner and spiritual aspects)
宗教的外在形式(宗教行为和仪式, 区别於内在的和
externalize, externalise
/ -nElaIz; -nl9aIz/ v [Tn] (fml 文 ) make (sth)
external 使(某事物)表面化: externalize one's
thoughts, emotions, etc 使思想、 感情等表露出
/ Ik5st:nElI; Ik`st[nlI/ adv.
external evidence
evidence obtained from independent sources, not from what is being examined 外证.
external examination
examination arranged by authorities outside
the school, college, etc of the person(s) taking
the examination 校外考试(由校外专家前来主持
external examiner (also external)
person who conducts an external examination
/ Ik5stINkt; Ik`stINkt/ adj 1 (esp of a type of animal, etc) no longer in existence (尤指某种动物等)不再存在的; 绝种的; 灭绝的: an extinct species 已灭绝的物种 *| If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct. 我们若继续破坏自然环境, 将会有更多的动物绝种. 2 (a) (of a volcano) no longer active (指火山)不再活跃的, 熄灭的, 死的. (b) (fig rhet 比喻, 修辞) (of feelings, beliefs, etc) dead (指感情、 信仰等)消逝的, 破灭的: Nothing could rekindle her extinct passion. 她激情已逝, 无从心回意转.
/ Ik5stINkFn; Ik`stINkFEn/ n [U] 1 action of making extinct; state of being extinct 灭绝; 绝种: We may live to see the extinction of the whale. 人类 或 许 能 亲 眼 见 到 鲸 的 灭 绝 . *| a tribe threatened by/with extinction 受到绝种威胁的部落. 2 (fml 文) act of extinguishing 熄灭: the extinction of a fire, a political movement, youthful hopes 火的熄灭、 政治运动的平息、 青年人希望的幻灭.
/ Ik5stINgwIF; Ik`stIN^wIF/ v [Tn] 1 (a) cause (sth) to stop burning; put out 使(某物)熄灭; 扑灭:
Please extinguish your cigarettes. 请将香烟熄灭. *| They tried to extinguish the flames. 他们竭力要把火焰扑灭. (b) (fig fml 比喻, 文) end the existence of (hope, love, passion, etc) 使(希望、爱 情 、 激 情 等 ) 不 复 存 在 : His behaviour extinguished the last traces of affection she had for him. 他的这种行为使她对他的最後一丝爱慕之情荡然无存. 2 clear or pay off (a debt) 清偿(债务).> extinguisher = fire extinguisher (fire).
/ 5ekstEpeIt; `ZkstL9pet/ v [Tn] (fml 文) remove or destroy (sth) completely 根除或铲除(某事物): extirpate social evils 根除社会弊端 *|extirpate dissent, opposition, etc 清除异端、 对立面等.
/ 9ekstE5peIFn; 9ZkstL`peFEn/ n [U].
/ Ik5stEUl; Ik`stol/ v (-ll-) [Tn,, Cn.n/a] ~sb (as sth) (fml 文) praise (sb/sth) highly 赞颂, 颂扬(某人[某事物]): extol the merits of small businesses 赞扬小企业的优点 *| extol sb's virtues to the skies, ie greatly 把某人的美德捧上天 *| extol sb as a hero 把某人当作英雄来歌颂.
/ Ik5stR:t; Ik`stRrt/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sb) obtain sth by violence, threats, etc 强夺; 强抢; 勒索; 敲诈: extort money from sb 勒索某人的金钱 *| The police used torture to extort a confession from him. 警方对他严刑逼供.
/ Ik5stR:FEn; Ik`stRrFEn/ n 1 [U] action of extorting 强 夺 ; 强 抢 ; 勒 索 ; 敲 诈 : obtain money by extortion 勒索金钱. 2 [C] instance of this 强夺; 强抢;勒索; 敲诈.
/ -FEnE(r); -FEnL/, extortionist /-FEnIst; -FEnIst/ ns person who extorts 强夺者; 强抢者; 勒索者; 敲诈者: [attrib 作定语] extortionist methods 敲诈勒索的手段.
/ Ik5stR:FEnEt; Ik`stRrFEnIt/ adj (derog 贬 ) (of demands, prices) much too great or high; excessive (指要求、 价格)过大的, 过高的, 过多的, 过分的: The prices in this shop are extortionate. 这家商店价格过高. *| They are asking an extortionate amount of money for their house. 他们的房子要价太高.
adv: They charged me extortionately for a simple job. 他们为一件简单的工作敲我竹杠.
/ 5ekstrE; `ZkstrE/ adj more than or beyond what is usual, expected or necessary; additional 额外的; 外加的; 附加的: extra pay for extra work 额外工作的额外报酬 *| buy an extra pint of milk 再买一品脱牛奶 *| The bus company provided extra buses because there were so many people. 因为人太多, 公共汽车公司派出了加车. *|The football match went into extra time, eg because of injury to players or a drawn score.
adv 1 more than usually 超过一般地; 特别地; 格外; 分外: an extra strong box 加固的箱子 *|extra fine quality 特别好的质量. 2 in addition 额外; 外加; 除外: 20% extra 外加 20% *| price 1.30, packing and postage extra 价格 1.30 英镑, 包装和邮费另计.
n 1 extra thing; thing that costs extra 额外的事物; 另外收费的事物: Her school fees are 440 a term; music and dancing are extras. 她的学费是每学期 440 英镑, 音乐和舞蹈课另外收费. 2 (in
cinema, TV, etc) person employed and paid (usu by the day) for a minor part, eg in a crowd scene (电影、 电视等的)临时演员(如扮演群众者): We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes. 我们拍战斗场面需要上百的临时演员. 3 (in cricket) run scored otherwise than from a hit by the bat (板球的)额外得分(非击球所得的 分 ) . 4 special edition of a newspaper containing special or later news (报纸的)号外: a late night extra 晚间号外.
pref 前缀 (with adjs 与形容词连用) 1 outside; beyond 在...之外; 越出; 超出: extramarital *|extrasensory. 2 very; to an exceptional degree 非常; 格外: extra-thin *| extra-sensitive.
/ 5ekstrE; `ZkstrE/ adj more than or beyond what is usual, expected or necessary; additional 额外的; 外加的; 附加的: extra pay for extra work 额外工作的额外报酬 *| buy an extra pint of milk 再买一品脱牛奶 *| The bus company provided extra buses because there were so many people. 因为人太多, 公共汽车公司派出了加车. *|The football match went into extra time, eg because of injury to players or a drawn score.
adv 1 more than usually 超过一般地; 特别地; 格外; 分外: an extra strong box 加固的箱子 *|extra fine quality 特别好的质量. 2 in addition 额外; 外加; 除外: 20% extra 外加 20% *| price 1.30, packing and postage extra 价格 1.30 英镑, 包装和邮费另计.
n 1 extra thing; thing that costs extra 额外的事物; 另外收费的事物: Her school fees are 440 a term; music and dancing are extras. 她的学费是每学期 440 英镑, 音乐和舞蹈课另外收费. 2 (in cinema, TV, etc) person employed and paid (usu by the day) for a minor part, eg in a crowd scene (电影、 电视等的)临时演员(如扮演群众者): We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes. 我们拍战斗场面需要上百的临时演员. 3 (in cricket) run scored otherwise than from a hit by the bat (板球的)额外得分(非击球所得的 分 ) . 4 special edition of a newspaper containing special or later news (报纸的)号外: a late night extra 晚间号外.
extra- 984pref 前缀 (with adjs 与形容词连用) 1 outside;
beyond 在...之外; 越出; 超出: extramarital *|extrasensory. 2 very; to an exceptional degree 非常; 格外: extra-thin *| extra-sensitive.
/ 9ekstrEkE5rIkjElE(r); 9ZkstrEkE`rIkjElL/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] outside the regular course of work or studies at a school or college 课外的: She's involved in many extra-curricular activities, such as music, sport and drama. 她参加了许多课外活动, 如音乐、 运动、 戏剧.
/ 9ekstrE5mArItl; 9ZkstrE`mArEtl/ adj of (a married person's) sexual relationships outside marriage 婚外的: have extra-marital relations with sb 与某人有婚外的性关系 *| extra-marital affairs 婚外的风流韵事.
extra-sensory perception
/ 9ekstrE9sensErI pE5sepFn; 9ZkstrE 9sZnsErI pL`sZpFEn/ (abbr 缩写 ESP) (supposed) ability to perceive outside, past or future events without the use of the known senses 超感官知觉; 超感觉力: He seems to know when his wife is away from home by some kind of extra-sensory perception. 他凭某种超感觉力似乎知道妻子何时不在家.
/ Ik5strAkt; Ik`strAkt/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sb/sth) 1 (a) take or get sth out, usu with effort or by force 取出; 拔出: extract a cork from a bottle 拔 出 瓶 塞 *| have a tooth extracted 拔牙. (b) obtain (money, information, etc) usu from a person unwilling to give it 获取(钱、 消息等)(通常指获自不愿给予者); 强索: extract a contribution from everyone 硬要大家捐 献 *| The police finally extracted the information after hours of questioning. 警方经数小时盘问, 终於套得这一情报. *| It took me days to extract the truth from her. 我用了几天时间才从她那儿打探出事实真相. 2 obtain (juices, etc) by crushing, pressing, etc 压出, 榨出(汁液等): extract juice from oranges 榨出橙子汁*| extract oil from olives, sunflower seeds, etc 榨出橄榄、 葵花籽等的油. 3 select and present (passages, examples, words, etc) from a book, speech, etc 从书、 讲话等中选取(段落, 例子, 词句等); 摘录; 选录: poems extracted from a modern collection 由一本当代诗集中摘选的诗篇*| She extracted passages for the students to translate. 她选了些短文让学生翻译.
/ 5ekstrAkt; `ZkstrAkt/ n 1 [U, C] substance that has been extracted (extract 2) and concentrated 榨 出 物 ; 浓缩 物 ; 精 ; 汁 : beef extract 浓缩的牛肉汁 *| extract of malt 麦芽精*| yeast extract, ie a savoury spread 酵母萃. 2 [C] passage selected (from a poem, book, film, piece of music, etc) (从诗歌、 书、 电影、 乐曲等)精选的段落; 摘录; 选录; 选曲: a short extract from a piano sonata 钢琴奏鸣曲的选曲*| an extract from a long poem 长诗选萃 *|She read out extracts from his letters. 她从他的信中挑了几段念出.
/ Ik5strAkFn; Ik`strAkFEn/ n 1 (a) [U] action of extracting (extract 1a) 取出; 拔出; 强索: the extraction of a tooth 拔牙 *| the extraction of financial contributions 硬性摊派捐款 *| the extraction of information 打探消息 *| [attrib 作定语] an extraction process at a diamond mine 钻石矿的开采过程. (b) [C] instance of extracting a tooth 拔 牙 : He needs two extractions. 他需要拔掉两颗牙齿. 2 [U] (fml 文) descent; parentage 血 统 ; 出 身 ; 家 世 : an American of Hungarian extraction 匈牙利血统的美国人.
/ Ik5strAktE(r); Ik`strAktL/ n person or device that extracts (extract 2) (压榨汁液等的)人或装置; 榨取者; 榨汁机; 榨油机: He makes fresh orange juice with an electric extractor. 他用电动榨汁机榨取新鲜的橙汁. ex`tractor fan ventilator fan (in a kitchen, etc) for removing bad smells, etc (厨房等的)抽风扇, 排风扇. =>illus at fan 见fan之插图.
/ 5ekstrEdaIt; `ZkstrE9daIt/ v [Tn] 1 give up or send back (sb accused or convicted of a crime) to the country where the crime was (said to be) committed 引渡(被告或罪犯): The Spanish police have refused to extradite a man wanted for a bank robbery in France. 西班牙警方拒绝引渡一个在法国抢劫银行而被通缉的人. 2 obtain (such a person) for trial or punishment 获得(被告或罪犯)的引渡.
/ 9ekstrE5dIFn;9ZkstrE`dIFEn/ n [C, U]: the extradition of war criminals 对战犯的引渡.
/ 9ekstrE5mjUErEl; 9ZkstrE`mjJrEl/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 (of university teaching, courses, 985etc) for people who are not full-time residential
members of a university (指大学教学、课程等)为校外学生的: extramural studies, lectures, courses, students 大学校外课程的学习、 大学校外课程的授课、 大学的校外课程、 大学校外课程部的学生 *| the extramural department of a university 大学的校外课程部. 2 (of work, etc) not done as part of one's official (paid) duties (指工作等)业余的: on an extramural basis 在业余的基础上.
/ Ik5streInIEs; Ik`strenIEs/ adj ~ (to sth) 1 not belonging to or directly connected with the subject or matter being dealt with 与正题无关的 : extraneous information 无 关 的 消 息 *|extraneous material in a book 书中的题外资料. 2 coming from outside 来自外部的; 外来的: extraneous interference 外来的干涉.
/ Ik5strR:dnrI; ?@ -dEnerI; Ik`strRrdn9ZrI/ adj 1 beyond what is ordinary; very unusual; remarkable 不平常的; 不普通的; 非常的; 格外的: Her talents are quite extraordinary. 她 才 华 出 众 . *|extraordinary weather for the time of year 一年中某段时间的反常天气 *| an extraordinary film about a highly gifted child 关於一个天赋极高的孩子的出色影片. 2 [attrib 作定语] (fml 文) (of arrangements, meetings, etc) additional to what is usual or ordinary (指安排、 会议等)特别的: an extraordinary general meeting 特别全会. 3 (used immediately after a n 紧接名词之後) (fml 文) (of an official) specially employed; additional to the usual one (指官员)特命的, 特派的: envoy/ambassador extraordinary 特使[特派大使].
/ Ik5strR:dnrElI; ?@ -dEnerElI; Ik`strRrdn9ZrElI/ adv: extraordinarily beautiful, thoughtful, rude 特别美丽的、 周到的、 粗野的.
/ Ik5strApEleIt; Ik`strApE9let/ v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) (fml 文 ) 1 (mathematics 数 ) calculate (an unknown quantity) approximately from known values or measurements (从已知的值或量)推算出(未知的量); 外推. 2 estimate (sth unknown) from facts that are already known 由已知事实估计(未知事物); 推断; 推知: One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.从一间屋子