Christian:" I'll tell you the Rothschild family philosophy, that's what Rothschild told his sons--Together
Christian:" I'll tell you the Rothschild family philosophy, that's what Rothschild told his sons--Together you will rule, divide you will fall. China, Russia and America has been falling forever, what if you choose to rule?"
3 Presidents:" We'll rule."
Christian:" 4th Reich founded. "
First war:
Jewish power
"Only the poor and the weak are good and virtual." This is Jewish people's morality riot according to 《Genealogy of morality》by Friedrich Nietzsche.
What exactly did Jewish people do? How devious Jewish people.

4th Reich is the official in the middle in the above picture. Secret Jewish power is below as criminals but also above. 4th Reich is the official in the middle. Seems like a tie. But 4th Reich has extra power as in the Lucretius component.
So we won.