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水热合成反应釜(HYDROTHERMAL AUTOCLAVE REACTOR) 水热压釜用于在高压、高温下进行水热反应。水热合成反应器通常有两种类型;聚四氟


水热压釜用于在高压、高温下进行水热反应。水热合成反应器通常有两种类型;聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)或聚四氟乙烯(TFM)内衬水热压釜反应器。(The Hydrothermal Autoclave reactor use to carry hydrothermal reaction at high pressure and high temperature. Hydrothermal synthesis reactor generally comes in a two variety; the Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or Teflon (TFM) lined hydrothermal autoclave reactors.)

水热反应器主要由两部分组成;外部优质不锈钢护套和内部特氟龙内衬或特氟龙腔。在聚四氟乙烯内衬的高压釜中,反应在最高240摄氏度下进行,而安全温度是200摄氏度。(Hydrothermal reactor mainly made up of two parts; outer high-quality stainless steel jacket and inner Teflon liner or Teflon chamber. In the Teflon-lined autoclave, the reaction is carried out at maximum 240-degree Celsius, while the safe temperature is 200-degree Celsius. )


1. 1. 将高压灭菌器和灭菌材料放在桌上或架子上。Place the Autoclave and sterilizing material on the table or on the shelf.

2. 逆时针拧拧螺纹型一级SS帽(SS合金304),直到打开为止。Twist the screw type threaded primary SS cap (SS Alloy 304) in an anticlockwise direction until it has been opened.

3. 在反应器中有两种类型的SS垫圈/盖子,一种在底部,另一种在特氟隆容器腔的顶部。There is 2 type of SS gasket/lid in the reactor, 1 is on the bottom side and another is on top of the Teflon vessel chamber.

4. 提起顶部SS垫圈或盖子,取出乳白色PTFE/Teflon反应室。Lift the top SS gasket or lid and take-out milky white color PTFE/Teflon reaction chamber.

5. 现在在反应室内填满溶剂(根据衬垫的容量)并密封。Now fill solvent (as per liner's capacity) in the reaction chamber and sealed it.

6. 确保聚四氟乙烯盖是气密的,以避免压力泄漏。Make sure that the Teflon cap should be air-tight to avoid pressure leakage.

7. 将聚四氟乙烯或聚四氟乙烯衬垫置于不锈钢腔内。Place Teflon or PTFE liner in a stainless steel chamber.

8. 保持顶部垫圈在容器上方,并确保特氟纶内衬容器正确地放置在不锈钢腔室中。Keep top gasket over the vessel and make sure that the Teflon-lined vessel placed properly in the Stainless Steel chamber.

9. 然后在顺时针方向扭转初级SS帽,直到它不再转动。Then twist primary SS cap in a clockwise direction until it does not turn anymore.

10.在主帽的顶部安装了二级SS帽,用于额外收紧,以避免压力泄漏。The secondary SS cap has been given at the top of the primary cap for extra tightening to avoid pressure leakages.

11.在锁定杆的帮助下,顺时针方向旋转一级不锈钢帽,以进一步紧固。Rotate primary SS cap in the clockwise direction with the help of locking rod for additional tightening.

12.将水热压罐置于烘箱或炉内加热至反应器安全温度。Placed the hydrothermal autoclave in oven or furnace and heat it till reactor’s safe temperature.

13.增加烤箱的温度,并设定加热速度仅为5℃/分钟。Increase the temperature of the oven and set heating rate 5 0C/minute only.

14.研究人员可以将水热高压釜加热到200℃,以保证安全使用。A researcher can heat the hydrothermal autoclave till 200 0C for safe use.

15.水热合成反应完成后,高压釜的冷却速度为5 0C/min。After completion of the hydrothermal synthesis reaction, the autoclave's cooling rate will be 5 0C/minute.

16.确保,在过程完成后,清洁PTFE或特氟龙衬垫适当地重复使用。Make sure that, after completion of the process clean PTFE or Teflon liner properly for reuse.


1. 不要在没有水的情况下操作高压釜。避免使用硬水。Do not operate the autoclave without water. Avoid using hard-water in the unit.

2. 使用聚四氟乙烯反应容器前应适当清洁,以避免污染。Clean Teflon reaction vessel properly before use to avoid contamination.

3. 不要在高压釜上增加任何额外的重量。Do not put any extra weight on the autoclave.

4. 正确关闭蒸压罐的盖子,在没有拧紧杆的帮助下先松开一级不锈钢盖子之前,不要试图强行打开它。Close the autoclave caps properly, never try to open it by force without first loosening of primary SS cap with the help of tightening rod.

5. 水热反应堆机组在一天的使用后进行清洁和干燥。Clean and Dry the hydrothermal reactor unit after a day uses.

6. 高压釜仅用于其预定用途。Use Autoclave only for its intended purpose.

7. 确保压力表工作正常。Ensure that the pressure gauge is operating correctly.

8. 确保两个不锈钢垫圈处于良好的形状和状态。Make sure the both stainless steel gaskets are in a good Shape & condition.

9. 清洁垫片所在的底座表面。Clean the surface of the base unit where gasket rests.

10.不要润滑垫圈。Do not lubricate Gasket.


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