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供应金能锅炉 卧式生物质热水锅炉


产品特点介绍 Features of the product introduction

Our biomass pellet boiler is base on the foreign advanced technology, we redesign it according to the actual situation in China. The boiler using the Three return water wall tube, and threaded pipe structure, we set up the twice and triple air blow system, it can making the biomass fuel Half a gasification combustion, with this way we can save much cost of the burning Biomass pellet boiler can save more cost of you, it can save more than 40% - 60% cost of the electric boiler, fuel oil boiler and gas boiler,Save 5% -10% running cost than coal, the heat energy is a kind of high efficiency and energy saving environmental protection equipment.

用途介绍 The purpose

Can using for the spinning, printing and dyeing, papermaking, foodstuff, rubber industry, plastic industry, chemical industry, medicine industry and some industry products which need the hot water. It can also offer the air-condition hot water and high quality sanitary hot water for the company, office, hotel, school, eatery and service trades.

卧式(常压)热水锅炉技术参数 Technical parameters of horizontal (ordinary pressure) biomass hot water boiler
jsjngl.com/uploadfile/20130908/20130908211120100.jpg" />

卧式(承压)热水锅炉技术参数 Technical parameters of horizontal (pressure-bearing) biomass hot water boiler
jsjngl.com/uploadfile/20130908/20130908211307484.jpg" />

PS: Our company always improve the products, if something is change in a hurry, we can't show it in our catalogue, thanks for your understanding.

安装示意图 Installation Instruction
jsjngl.com/uploadfile/20130908/20130908211330437.jpg" />

镇江金能锅炉有限公司 网站地址:www.jsjngl.com 电话:0511-85210556 根据公司发展需要,诚征全国各地区及海外地区锅炉代理商或销售商!欢迎广大客户及朋友来厂洽谈!


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