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最新一期Energy Conversion and Management 2022-257 内容


Energy Conversion and Management 能量转化和管理的Top期刊(IF= 9.709),半月刊,每期发文几十篇不等,录用快,影响因子高。下面我们看看

Energy Conversion and Management 能量转化和管理的Top期刊(IF= 9.709),半月刊,每期发文几十篇不等,录用快,影响因子高。下面我们看看最新一期257的内容:

1. 填充床蓄热系统与高温气冷堆球床模块耦合特性设计优化

2. 太阳能热电结合厌氧沼气气隙膜蒸馏工艺的热经济性和设计分析

3. 在浮式储存再气化装置中集成 ORC 和 CO2 捕获的新型闭环再气化系统的热力学和环境分析

4. 碱性水电解混合能源制氢的调度

5. 具有钨发射极和 GaxIn1-xAs 电池的近场和远场温度依赖性热光伏系统的性能比较

6. 通过选择性生成关键中间产物酒石酸的热碱水解对木质纤维素进行光重整提高氢气产量

7. 通过减轻耦合低聚光光伏热单元上的非均匀照明来提高基于干燥剂的冷却系统的性能

8. 基于多变量行程信息的双模发动机混合动力电动汽车的基于学习的监督控制

9. 太阳能梯级利用在人工光合作用供能系统中的能量和火用分析

10. 月球基地CBC-ORC能源系统评价:工质组合选择、昼夜运行性能

11. 中国北方沿海地区应用的一种新型水热联产技术:面向推广的实际示范项目

12. 相变材料与生物基混凝土的多层组装:一种被动式围护结构,可提高建筑物的能源和湿热性能

13. 混合型 GEOTABS 建筑物的早期成本和二氧化碳排放优化设计

14. 通过各种新出现的潮湿情景对微藻生物柴油生产的比较生命周期评估:能量转换特征和环境影响

15. 太阳能驱动充电站与氢结合作为储能选项的开发

16. 当地海风/陆风和近岸波浪能源的结合:MaRELab(意大利那不勒斯)的案例研究

17. 使用蝶形算法优化包括光伏和聚光太阳能的混合太阳能发电厂

18. 太阳能热化学储能中钙循环(CaL)的生命周期与环境评价

19. 一种基于余热利用的新型水泥厂二氧化碳捕集系统

20. 柴油、天然气、电动、氢城市客车成本、排放、油耗对比分析

21. 风光互补双水库系统

22. 多尺度特征的深度非交叉概率风速预报

23. 建筑供暖、制冷和供电的太阳能系统生命周期评估:比较分析

24. 增强型地热系统 (EGS) 的技术经济可行性,部分桥接多级裂缝用于区域供热应用

25. 蒸汽喷射光伏热泵供热、发电、制冷的实验研究

26. 一种创新的阻力型Savonius涡轮导流器系统,使用旋转气缸来提高性能

27. 热等离子体辅助化学循环二氧化碳解离用于铝颗粒生产燃料

28. 采用简化动力学模型初步估算非设计条件下接收管壁温和光热电站性能

29. 蒸汽发生器设计对跨临界有机朗肯循环热力学和技术经济性能的影响

30. 新型阴燃驱动废塑料热解反应器的数值研究

31. 生物质气化和 PEM 电解中可再生甲醇用于加利福尼亚海事部门脱碳的技术经济评估

32. 直叶垂直轴风力机在湍流环境下的风洞试验优化分析

33. 一种受列车感应钢弹簧支点力的高性能发电压电智能垫环

34. 移动床对齐管束周围颗粒流传热:热阻模型的实验研究与理论预测

Deep Energy Research智能新能源关注新能源领域的智能科技应用,我们是知识的搬运工,为新能源智能应用提供服务,转载请联系。


1. Design optimization on characteristics of packed-bed thermal energy storage system coupled with high temperature gas-cooled reactor pebble-bed module

2. Thermo-economic and design analysis of a solar thermal power combined with anaerobic biogas for the air gap membrane distillation process

3. Thermodynamic and environmental analyses of a novel closed loop regasification system integrating ORC and CO2 capture in floating storage regasification units

4. The scheduling of alkaline water electrolysis for hydrogen production using hybrid energy sources

5. Performance comparison of near- and far-field temperature-dependent thermophotovoltaic systems with tungsten emitter and GaxIn1-xAs cell

6. Boosting H2 yield from photoreforming of lignocellulose by thermo-alkaline hydrolysis with selective generation of a key intermediate product: Tartaric acid

7. Performance improvement of a desiccant based cooling system by mitigation of non-uniform illumination on the coupled low concentrating photovoltaic thermal units

8. Learning-based supervisory control of dual mode engine-based hybrid electric vehicle with reliance on multivariate trip information

9. Energy and exergetic analysis of applying solar cascade utilization to an artificial photosynthesis energy supply system

10. Evaluation of the CBC-ORC energy system in lunar base: Working fluid combination selection, day and night operation performance

11. A novel combined heat and water (CHW) technology applied in China northern coastal regions: Actual demonstration project towards promoting

12. Multilayer assembly of phase change material and bio-based concrete: A passive envelope to improve the energy and hygrothermal performance of buildings

13. Early-stage optimal design of hybrid GEOTABS buildings in terms of costs and CO2 emissions

14. Comparative life-cycle assessment of microalgal biodiesel production via various emerging wet scenarios: Energy conversion characteristics and environmental impacts

15. Development of solar-driven charging station integrated with hydrogen as an energy storage option

16. Combination of local sea winds/land breezes and nearshore wave energy resource: Case study at MaRELab (Naples, Italy)

17. Optimization of the hybrid solar power plants comprising photovoltaic and concentrating solar power using the butterfly algorithm

18. Life cycle and environmental assessment of calcium looping (CaL) in solar thermochemical energy storage

19. A novel carbon dioxide capture system for a cement plant based on waste heat utilization

20. Comparative analysis of cost, emissions and fuel consumption of diesel, natural gas, electric and hydrogen urban buses

21. Integrating wind and photovoltaic power with dual hydro-reservoir systems

22. Deep non-crossing probabilistic wind speed forecasting with multi-scale features

23. Life Cycle Assessment of solar energy systems for the provision of heating, cooling and electricity in buildings: A comparative analysis

24. Techno-Economic feasibility of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) with partially bridging Multi-Stage fractures for district heating applications

25. Experimental research on the vapor injected photovoltaic-thermal heat pump for heating, power generation and refrigeration

26. An innovative deflector system for drag-type Savonius turbine using a rotating cylinder for performance improvement

27. Thermal plasma-aided chemical looping carbon dioxide dissociation for fuel production from aluminium particles

28. Preliminary estimation of the receiver tube wall temperature and the performance of CSP plants in off design-conditions by means of a simplified dynamic model

29. Influence of vapor generator design on thermodynamic and techno-economic performances of transcritical organic Rankine cycle

30. Numerical investigation of a novel smoldering-driven reactor for plastic waste pyrolysis

31. Techno-economic assessment of renewable methanol from biomass gasification and PEM electrolysis for decarbonization of the maritime sector in California

32. Optimization analysis of straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines in turbulent environments by wind tunnel testing

33. A piezoelectric smart backing ring for high-performance power generation subject to train induced steel-spring fulcrum forces

34. Heat transfer of granular flow around aligned tube bank in moving bed: Experimental study and theoretical prediction by thermal resistance model




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