西门子能源集团执行副总裁卡里姆·阿敏(Karim Amin)表示:“大湾区的现代能源供应系统是朝着中国2060年实现碳中和目标迈出的重要一步,我们期待着与广东能源集团在这一方向上的持续合作。”
https://www.world-energy.org/article/16071.htmlSiemens Energy to Supply F-Class Gas Turbines to Chinese CHP Projecthttps://www.world-energy.org/article/16071.html原文阅读:
Siemens Energy has reached an agreement with Guangdong Energy Group to provide F-class gas turbine island equipment for the Zhaoqing Dinghu Combined Heat and Power generation project.
Located in Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, the project is expected to start operation in 2023. When completed, it will play a key role in optimising the energy structure and layout of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and building a modern energy supply system.
The project is the first in the world to provide Siemens F-class gas-steam combined cycle units with the latest and newest design that features a large, elevated operation platform layout and mirrored side air intake system. The 2×460MW class gas-steam CHP units include two SGT5-4000F gas turbines, two steam turbines, four generators, two SPPA-T3000 control systems and related auxiliary equipment.
Karim Amin, executive vice president generation at Siemens Energy, said: “A modern energy supply system for the GBA is an important step towards China’s 2060 carbon neutral goal and we look forward to our continued cooperation with Guangdong Energy Group in this direction.”
The project will deliver an estimated annual power generation capacity of up to 3.5 billion kWh, combined cycle efficiency of the unit of 60% or more and CO2 emission reduction of up to 60%, which not only provides clean electricity to the grid but also supports the heating demand of the industrial clusters in the area by replacing scattered small boilers.
