Nicholas SmithUpdated Aug 24, 2019I just watched American Factory on Netflix. This is a documentary about a massive Chin
Nicholas Smith
Updated Aug 24, 2019
I just watched American Factory on Netflix. This is a documentary about a massive Chinese corporation (the Fuyao Group) which in 2016 built a $1 billion car glass factory in Dayton, Ohio, and hired 5,000 Americans.
Since most of the Americans were new to glass, and all were new to Chinese organisational culture, each American was paired to a Chinese supervisor/mentor. The Chinese quickly realised that most of the Americans lacked the work ethic that was expected in China. In the words of one manager, “Most of our workers are here to make money, not make glass.”
In 2017, Fuyao invited the American floor managers to one of its factories in China so they could witness the productivity and ethos of its workers back home.
At the Chinese plant, workers had 12-hour, not 8-hour, shifts. They spent those 12 hours working as rapidly and flawlessly as machines, with no apparent breaks. One worker ate some Twinkie rolls while he was working and called them his lunch. A Fuyao manager explained, “Here we believe you have to be worth your salary.” Workers had no weekends — just one or two, maximum three days off, per month. Their holidays were also a few days a year, and those of them whose families were in other towns were only able to see their families every six months or so. Workers who had to sort mountains of broken glass into recycling categories spent all day doing this by hand, without safety goggles or cut-resistant gloves. One man who worked in the furnace showed the burn scars on his arms.(I do not agree with or condone those working conditions, and believe Fuyao employees deserve better, but I am showing the Chinese cultural standard of “hard work.”)
In the morning, workers had prep meetings and they were exactly like a roll call in the military. No joking around or idle chitchat. The supervisor chanted out company mottoes, and the workers repeated in enthusiastic unison. Each section of workers (there were 19 men in the section I saw), all dressed in Fuyao’s navy blue uniform, stood at attention, shoulder to shoulder, eyes up straight. Each worker turned his head to his side as he cried out his number, and then the 19th said, “19! 19 people are supposed to be here, and there are 19 people here!” Then the supervisor dismissed them, to begin their duties.
Beyond this, Fuyao dedicated considerable resources to keeping employee morale very high (without changing compensation or working conditions). The company has its own anthem and many “patriotic” songs, frequently sung at parties. For me it was so weird to hear a song about the virtues of lean manufacturing! And there were a lot of parties and events like any concert, full of lights, music and entertainment, to celebrate the factory accomplishing this or that milestone. Some employees worked as dance or singing groups. There were performances staffed by employees’ children. At one event, eight Fuyao employees brought their partners and had a mass wedding right there.
When the American managers returned to Dayton, one of them had to calm down an angry employee loudly complaining that he had been waiting two weeks for three busted microwave ovens to be replaced, and that the large lunchroom was going to be converted into more production space.
Efforts to replicate Fuyao’s prep meetings and company events failed miserably at the Dayton plant. The American employees just rolled their eyes. Instead, they complained about their low wages (starting at $12.84/hr) and unsafe working conditions. Some of their concerns, like the high rate of workplace injuries, were legitimate. The company raised the starting wage by two dollars and managed to get its act together on the safety issue. However, the essential problem remained unresolved: Americans just weren’t used to the expectations of their Chinese supervisors, and found them unrealistic and often unbelievable. A factory with 5,000 workers had a turnover of 3,000 workers in two years.
Watching this documentary made me understand what Chinese people are used to in terms of hard work. Their bar is way above that of most people in the Western world. For a worker in China, it is normal to have to give almost all of their time, energy and freedom to their company. They’re not an army, but they do have the discipline, organisation, propaganda, focus, efficiency, and productivity of any US Marine infantry platoon.
The Chinese company is like a stern, demanding father. In China there is no culture of supervisors or managers giving positive reinforcement to their workers. When a Chinese supervisor yelled at an American worker in the Dayton plant, she cried; in China you’d just have to swallow your pride, keep a straight face and improve your game immediately.
In China overtime is mandatory, whenever you’re asked. The Dayton factory’s Chinese supervisors were incredulous to discover that they couldn’t force overtime on anybody.
Oh, and there are no unions in China. There’s no such thing as labour relations or collective bargaining. Fuyao struggled to prevent its American workers in Dayton from forming a union. In the end, it hired a “union avoidance consultancy” to convince most of its workers to vote against forming a union (and succeeded), while the workers who were the loudest in campaigning for a union were fired.
”At the end of the documentary the chairman of Fuyao said, “The point of living is to work.”
I realised that at 30, I have never worked a single day like a Chinese employee, even one much younger than me. If I had a factory job in China, if I didn’t radically change, I would be fired on my first day.
I also realised that if the Fuyao factory I saw is typical of a Chinese operation, then there is simply no way that any Western company can outproduce or outperform a Chinese rival, unless it was 100% automated or something. American and Chinese workers are as different as night and day. The Chinese worker puts his company above himself and gives it so much for so little. We say we work hard, but in China hard work means something entirely different.
This also helps us understand tiger parenting. No wonder Chinese factory workers, most of whom probably weren’t able to get into China’s horrifically competitive university system, make the education of their children a fanatical priority.
Megan Cox
Sep 19, 2019 · 28 upvotes including Nicholas Smith
After living in China for 3 years and working with/in factories on behalf of my company and others, I returned to the US to open my own factory. When my employees didn’t immediately carry the same sense of duty and attention to work as the Chinese workers in the factories I just spent the past 3 years in, I have to admit that I felt a little lost. Where was their sense of pride in their work? Where was their work ethic?
It’s been a long, slow road, and we’ll never look like Fuyao (nor should we, really) but there is a happy medium between the current state of affairs in US manufacturing and the Chinese way of getting stuff done. We can’t force Chinese values and culture onto our staff, but I think we can meet in the middle somewhere to engage our employees and re-instill a sense of pride and duty to their work.
Dale Coder
Aug 30, 2019 · 86 upvotes including Nicholas Smith
The Chinese had this same work ethic in the nineteenth century. When Americans realized that Chinese immigrants who worked like this were going to compete for their jobs, they simply banned Chinese immigrants. See the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Perhaps the tariffs are a 21st century equivalent of that.
George Géal-Killy
Sep 19, 2019 · 7 upvotes
There is nothing to learn from China here for that's what the others were doing a century ago. And guess who tops the productivity rankings nowadays?
When the Chinese will shift to a productive society, you can be sure they would have changed their methods. And with the side effects of the one child policy, it might happen sooner than expected.
Thomas Brown
Sep 19, 2019 · 1 upvote
As wages rise, labor and manufacturing is outsourced to ASEAN and African nations, automation increases, and the middle class grows expect the 996 idea to end. (For those who don’t know, it’s the idea that you should work from 9am-9pm, 6 days a week.) There will be increasing pressure on the NPC to legislate and enforce shorter work days, safer working conditions, and generally humane treatment of workers.
People like Jack Ma can praise the 996 ideal and espouse nonsense like “working harder brings more rewards” but that is transparently wrong for the vast majority of laborers. You don’t get more rewards, just less time with your family. And more and more Chinese are realizing this, especially the young.
Chris Mackay
Sep 22, 2019
“The Chinese worker puts his company above himself and gives it so much for so little. We say we work hard, but in China hard work means something entirely different.”
I think this is jumping to conclusions. We’re all human. It’s all about face really. I suppose you did not encounter the regular nap taking at the office or ‘pretending’ to do work whilst waiting for your team leader to go home.
Lance Crayon
Nov 20
Not every factory in China is like Fuyao. Perhaps a documentary about Foxconn would balance the scales? Furthermore, I would never trust a documentary produced by a politician.
Kate Zir
Sep 20, 2019
I have to say that at least in nursing 12 hour shifts are nothing unusual in the US. And that’s just the official length and does not include off the clock time. And while theoretically you get a lunch break there frequently isn’t time to go to the bathroom, let alone take a break.
Poppy Cotzee
Sep 19, 2019 · 2 upvotes
What I got from this is that the workers are exploited. Yes, it's good to have a work ethic, but don't the kids need their parents too? Help with homework, teacher-parent conference day, sudden high fever, visit to the dentist/doctor etc?
And as for the lack of safety, all that dedication and no compensation in return will mean nothing when a worker gets seriously injured and can never provide for their family again. Their companies view them as expandable and replacable.